
Effective Leadership Project : A New York Times Bestselling Author

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Effective Leadership project
What is Effective Leadership? Kevin Kruse
a New York Times bestselling author and contributor
, defines l eadership as “a process of social influence, which maximizes the efforts of others, towards the achievement of a goal

(Kruse, 2013)
The wording of his definition is important, since there are many who would define leadership d ifferently. Kruse points out that seniority, titles, or being a manager does not make one a leader
. A true leader ins pires others to reach their collective potential in attainment of goals for the company, division, branch, or any other grouping. I have taken the time to sit down with two individuals whom I believe epitomize the definition of …show more content…

Patricia was forthcomin g and helped me to understand what managerial and leadership styles she employed to make
D.K.G. as successful as it was, and what shortfalls in leadership were present to contribute to the closing of her company.
each of my interviews I was able to identify several methods used by these leaders that resulted in high performance by those around them. I asked Danielle to “define what succeeding looks like to you as a senior therapist in a hospital setting.”
Because s he is a speech
Effective Leadership project
I was not surprised that her first response focused on the importance o f ‘open and clear communication’ .
She reported that she and her staff meet weekly in a formal meeting to review current research and discuss specific challeng es. More importantly, they meet in an informal
‘huddle’ daily to ensure that all members of the team are seeking the same goal. In this case the daily goal is effective therapy
with great customer service
while maintaining high productivity.
A complicate d task, to say the least! These frequent meetings ensure everyone has the opportunity to express any needs or concerns and the leader can address any potential issues earlier, rather than later.
Another method leading to high performance Danielle was quick to point out was the use of ‘effective decision
making.’ Each day the therapists need to decide who the

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