
Essay On Absentee Act

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LEAVES OF ABSENCE SICK LEAVE Employees receive 8 paid sick days per year. A doctors’ note will be required after the third day. Anything over the 8 days, the employee will be paid at 80% of their regular salary or the extra sick time will be applied against their vacation days *No provincial law or standard applies for BC MATERNITY LEAVE Employees are entitled to 17weeks leave without pay to be taken during the 11 weeks period prior with the minimum of six weeks to be taken after the birth. 35 consecutive weeks to be taken immediately after the pregnancy leave. Allowances are included along with EI payments amounting to 92% per of employees weekly pay PARENTAL LEAVE 37 weeks without payto be taken by the father within the 52 week …show more content…

Improper behaviour includes; physical force that would cause injury, threatening statements or behaviour that may cause another employee to feel at risk of harm. This also includes running, horseplay, practical jokes, jumping or other body movements that may cause harm. VIOLENCE IN THE WORKPLACE Violence is defined as any act or attempt by a person to harm another that would cause injury or death. This includes threatening behaviour that would cause another to feel at risk of harm. Verbal abuse is not included with violence unless it is threatening behaviour. Threats against a worker and their family are treated seriously. When the employer becomes aware of a threat it is their duty to notify the employee and if they are not aware, to contact the police or other authorities responsible for protecting the public. If the employer is not able to notify the worker, a family member must be contacted so that the necessary precautions can be taken. The employer and family members are required to cooperate during the investigation. These measures must be included in all workplace safety manuals. Any threats made against a workers family must be reported immediately to a supervisor. Risk assessments must be completed in any workplace where the potential for violence is high. The assessment should include the incidents of violence over a one year period of time. CHEMICAL AND

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