
Examining the Different Sociological Theories on Education Essay

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Education and schooling are important in modern societies because it can create opportunities for people to succeed. It is greatly influential to the development of our mentality and morality. Through education and schooling, one gains knowledge and insight that can help with the survival and advancement in society. However, the three main sociological theories have different views on education and its purpose. From a functionalist perspective, this theory focuses on how education operates a society through unification and stabilization. According to Emile Durkheim, the “latent role” of education is to sort people into society’s mainstream. Other “latent roles” of education from the functionalist theory are to teach the …show more content…

From a conflict perspective, the purpose of education is to preserve social disparity and maintain power for the ones that dominate society. Education may create opportunity for some but it mostly create inequalities for others. This causes conflicts in society rather than benefits it. Conflict theorists believe that the level of education one achieves can be used to discriminate against others that do not have as much credentials. The more credentials one has, the more power they acquire. People with high credentials may be entitled to certain privileges and opportunities, thus creating inequality towards other members in society. In the education system, certain biased practices reflect inequalities towards class, race, and gender because of limited opportunities for educational advancement.
They are confined to certain amounts of success and power. Education renders aid toward higher income, power, and social status which causes people to want to excel.
Therefore, conflict theorists believe that education causes competition within societies. Nonetheless, the symbolic interactionalist view on education is limited and is concentrated more on the series of interactions from the schooling experience.
Symbolic interactionalist theorists believe that teachers’ expectations of their students effect the way they think, perform, and behave. Through the interaction process in schools, teachers learn about their students and

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