
Examples Of Pathos In Food Inc

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American agriculture can produce more food on less land and at cheaper cost than any other nation. Did anyone ever wonder why or how? The documentary Food Inc., produced by Robert Kenner, is designed to put the spotlight on the unsafe preparation of food products, the inhuman treatment of animals being used, and the unethical treatment of workers in corporate farming. Robert Kenner uses multiple rhetorical analysis to get his aspect across to his viewers. Throughout the movie, there are several claims to appeal of ethos, pathos, and logos in order to uncover the true secrets of the American food during its journey to the table. Food Inc is a documentary film created by director Robert Kenner with the purpose of exposing the real facts and hidden secrets of the …show more content…

Ethos is present in multiple of ways throughout the movie. The author appeals to ethos by narrating, giving the reader a sense of trust and assurance in his words. He interviews first-hand sources from a lower level of the industry such as farmer, who can attest to how the animals are really raise and grow, to the attorney involving in the lawsuit .This allows the readers to confidently trust what Robert Kenner is saying. Carole Morison, the farmer, granted the filmmaker access to her chicken farm. She said, “The companies don’t want farmers talking. They don’t want this story told” (3:11) .Morrison certainly serves as a credible source of information, since her life involves chicken farming and interactions with these large companies. This use of ethos helped improve the credibility of this documentary to viewers. These components of ethos strengthen the makers of this documentary claim on the food industry. These facts make his argument more reliable and credible. The audience see facts as verifiability, a statement that can be proven true or false. These informations are more than just opinions so those various facts in this documentary make his documentary more

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