
External Conflict In In Always Running By Luis Rodriguez

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In Always Running, is the memoir of Luis Rodriguez battles an external conflict of having to be threatened by the police because he is involved in a gang. Luis ultimately resolves this conflict by making a huge change and leaving the gang and going back school and becoming an activist person; however, this choice also illustrates his true character as a motivation person. Luis’s decision to stay motivated also reveals the universal theme because it’s never too late to make a change in life and also fight for what is right.
In this book, Luis Rodriguez deals with a problem that he is always targeted by the police. The reason why Luis is targeted by the police is because he is in a gang, which makes Luis become a bad influence to others. For example, “It never stopped, this running. We were constant prey, and the hunters soon became big blurs: the police, the gangs, the junkies, the dudes on Garvey Boulevard who took our money, all smudged into one. …show more content…

Also to always take the opportunity to make your life happy. The reason why I say this is because the way that Luis never had motivation in himself to go back to school because he had a feeling that he was going to get into fights. For example Luis says, “Nobody supported me; my family thought I had gone crazy. They thought, you crazy gangster, you crazy drug addict, now you want to be a writer? That's it! They totally gave up on me after that”(Rodriguez). This quote shows how Luis wasn’t able to get the support from his parents. When he was in high school he was afraid of failing by himself, but in reality he was able to become as an activist and motivational person that made him change his life by becoming as a better person. Also by making a good decision by leaving his gang and by choosing the right path by going to

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