
Twitter Research Paper

Decent Essays

Just as Google is a giant among search engines, so is Twitter among social media marketing sites. According to, Twitter boasts an impressive 974 million users. Even so, many businesses attempting to leverage the incredible marketing potential offered by Twitter often make critical mistakes. Such mistakes not only decrease the reach and efficacy of a business’s marketing efforts but also do not allow them to realize the true profit potential that can be achieved by mastering Twitter marketing. A recent survey published by Social Media Marketing University found that an astounding 96.2% of companies experience challenges in accomplishing specific goals with Twitter marketing. Despite these challenges, the survey concluded that almost 65% of companies still believe Twitter to be an effective tool for marketing. Measuring the ROI of Twitter Marketing According to Social Media Marketing University, more than 45% of companies stated that their most significant challenge in using Twitter is measuring their return on investment. Measuring ROI is essential for not only determining effectiveness but also making adjustments to improve outcomes. Although most brands are accustomed to measuring financial statistics, in terms of social media marketing with sites such as Twitter marketing, it is important to measure the value and quality of customer relationships delivered by social media marketing. According to, there are several components involved in measuring

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