
Feoci-Case Analysis

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CASE ANALYSIS: Far East Optic Cable Inc. VIEWPOINT: Mr. K. Fourex, Chairman of the Board of FEOCI TIME CONTEXT: April 2005 I. PROBLEM STATEMENT: How can FEOCI be rehabilitate in order to retain its business profitability? II. STATEMENTS OF THE OBJECTIVE: 1. To be able to recover from its liabilities, capital deficiencies and debts. 2. To be able to rebuild the shareholder’s trust and confidence. III. AREAS OF CONSIDERATION: Strengths: • FEOCI was incorporated in 1996 in the Philippines with BOI incentives, with a Manila office, and a modern plant in Mactan, Cebu. • FEOCI Philippines had hired 6 Filipino electronic and mechanical engineers who had acquired the technical …show more content…

Only a group of leaders working together can successfully foresee market changes and prepare the company to meet them ahead of time, while also managing the company in the here and now. • Access to Capital - The better corporate governance a company has, the more easily it can access outside capital that the business can use to fund its projects. Since corporate governance includes major shareholders, it connects investors with the business itself, and these investors use their resources and contacts to support the company monetarily. Due to these close connections, capital also tends to be less expensive to finance with a strong corporate governance system. • Better Standards - Corporate governance makes many decisions about business operations, but one of the most important decisions involves corporate standards. Standards affect the quality of products and the goals that the business has in technology, customer service, and marketing. The combined efforts of the business leaders allows the company to accurately judge competition and create standards that add value to the business's products or services. • Better Talent Utilization - Without a corporate governance, business leaders tend to flounder. The lack of clear organizational structure at the top of the company makes it difficult for people to move up the ladder or to aim for a particular position. With a strong corporate governance structure, however, people can find positions that

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