
Geographic Features In Ancient Egypt

Decent Essays

All through history, geographic features have impacted the improvement of civilizations and districts. These features have both advanced and constrained interactions with other civilizations and regions. Today, I will inform you about two main geographic features that have substantially influenced the development of ancient Egypt and have promoted or limited the interaction of this civilization with another civilization or region. These geographic features are the Nile river and the Mediterranean sea. Throughout this essay, you will also learn about how the ancient Egyptian civilization compares to modern Egypt.

Before I apprise you about how the Nile river and the Mediterranean sea have influenced the development of ancient Egypt and have promoted or limited the interaction of this civilization with another civilization or region, I would like to provide you some background information so that you can clearly interpret how the Nile river and the Mediterranean sea have influenced the development of ancient Egypt and have promoted or limited the interaction of this civilization with another civilization or region. For starters, the Nile river is approximately 6,670 km (4,160 miles) in length and is the longest river in Africa and in the world. In spite of the fact that it is generally related to Egypt, only 22% of the Nile’s course runs through Egypt. The Nile flow through Uganda, Ethiopia, Sudan, Burundi, and Egypt. The river has two tributaries, and the source of the

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