
History Of The Company1 : Johnson And Johnson

Decent Essays

1.0 History of the company1:
Johnson and Johnson is the largest pharmaceutical company in the United States. The World Head Quarter of the company is located at one Johnson and Johnson Plaza in New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA. The company was founded in 1886 by three Johnson bothers; Robert Wood Johnson I, James Wood Johnson, And Edward Mead Johnson. The initial business of the company was to produce antiseptic surgical dressing1. Since then the company has been pioneer in many great pharmaceutical inversions; such as: first aid kit (1888), baby powder (1896), sanitary napkin (1896), dental floss (1898), rH factor (1944) and many more. During 1800’s the company also contributed in natural disasters in Galveston, TX and San Francisco, CA. The legacies of helping community still a big part of the company1. In 1944 the company becomes public and enters the NYSE (New York Stock Exchange). Robert Wood Johnson I, was the first president of the company who served from 1887 to 1910. After that the second Johnson brother, James Wood Johnson took over the presidency of the company and served until 19321. In 1932, Robert Wood Johnson II, the son of Robert Wood Johnson I became the president and served until 1962. Robert Wood Johnson was probably the most futuristic president of the company who was responsible for establishing “The Credo” of the company in 1943 which is still followed by the company very effectively. He also initiated the decentralization of the company as well1. “The

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