
Homelessness Research Paper

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What is Homelessness?
The issue of homelessness is not one that is easily defined or characterized. In fact, many organizations and legislative actions spend a significant portion of their time and resources in attempting to define homelessness. For, only once the issue is defined can it be effectively addressed. There are also, perhaps, different types of homelessness whose resolution may need to be addressed with differing methods from one another.

Causes of homelessness have been historically varied but some causes have remained consistent throughout the years. According to Hopper, thee causes involved alcoholism, intolerable living conditions or disabilities.

Risk Factors
The homeless population often shares similar characteristics …show more content…

Burt , “Homelessness: Definitions and Counts;” addresses the difficulty of assigning specific definitions, and statistics to the homeless. Although there is some consensus on some core concepts, there are many disagreements with regards to youth who live on their own, children in foster care or being doubled up, single mothers who live with different relatives and other more vague categories which remain to be clearly defined. She draws a line between those considered to be “literally homeless” and “at imminent risk” of becoming literally homeless. According to Burt, components of the homeless and at-risk population are people sleeping in places “not meant for human habitation,” people in shelters or institutions and those “doubled up.” Defining the problem of homelessness is crucial in policy decisions by demonstrating the size of these two aforementioned groups and allowing for targeted programs which allow the at-risk population to transition into stable, conventional …show more content…

Most notably, the McKinney Act. The McKinney- Vento Act is unique in that it was the first legislative act to respond to and attempt to solve the problem of homelessness. This Act is an aggregate of fifteen programs to assist homeless people and has created valuable programs that assist in attaining education, finding jobs and securing affordable and conventional housing. This Act is crucial and highly effective in that it is the portal through which a significant portion of federal funding for homeless assistance programs is released through. The McKinney Act is praised for creating a “continuum of care” using homeless assistance programs. In 2009, improvements were made to this legislation with the introduction of the Homeless Emergency Assistance and Rapid Transition to Housing (HEARTH)

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