Whether or not homeschooling is good for children is a big issue in our world today. People bring up problem after problem with homeschool. Since homeschooling has been around since the world has started, it can still work today, even though it is strongly opposed by the world. Homeschooling has been around for centuries. Thomas Edison was a homeschooler. In public school he was called dumb. Today we are blessed with a homeschooler's invention, the light bulb. His mom gave him the education that the public could not give him. Another homeschooler in history, though more recent, is Tim Tebow. His parents homeschooled his siblings and him. Today he is big in the minds of kids because he is an excellent role model. Tim Tebow said this about being the first homeschooler to win the Heisman Trophy: “That’s really cool. A lot of times people have this stereotype of homeschoolers as not very athletic – it’s(sic) like, go win a spelling bee or something like that – it’s an honor for me to be the first one to do that. ”1 That statement sums up how Tim Tebow felt about homeschooling. Thomas Edison and Tim Tebow are not the only ones that were homeschooled. After homeschooling since fourth grade and racing since age six, eleven-year-old Joey Logano said,“I have home schooling and I really like that. I don’t feel like I’m missing anything by not going to school. I feel like I learn more that way.”2 Mozart, Laura Ingalls Wilder, Louisa May Alcott, and Alexander Graham Bell
Answer: I think education is VERY important. I disagree that kids do not need to go to school, they need to go. I think the school system and teachers can make school more appealing to students by changing the way they teach. For example they can do group activities, hold class somewhere else other than a classroom; like Starbucks, outside in the grass, a park. Anywhere where its stimulating, that way each day is a question of where is class going to be today? Homeschooling is good if you are self disciplined. I was homeschooled the first three months of my senior year in 1997. I graduated in November 1997 instead of June 1998. It depends on the person, if you are a go getter and want a way out of the school system ( in my opinion holds you back), then homeschooling is the ticket.
Later on, however, homeschooling will become more popular, and the homeschool population will continue to grow. Today, more people are accepting and applauding homeschooling. In fact, many believe that the education is more efficient, the environment is better, and it teaches children to be self-motivated at home. Education is not just preparing the kids for college or the outside world, but education is life. More and more people are noticing these things.
Given the information in this article, the facts that they include will help with my arguments on why I believe it shouldn’t be allowed. The theme is to convince parents not to homeschool their kids and keep them away from a normal social life in the process of doing so. A major fact that I will include is the fact that you won’t be taught all the important things that you would really need to do like not speaking when others are, raising your hand and waiting your turn, and bullies make you become a stronger person and know how to deal with the hard things that come your way in the future.
Homeschooling is a type of education which typically occurs in the home with the child’s parent or guardian serving as the primary educator. Currently, homeschooling is legal in all 50 states and is considered to be one of the fastest growing segments of K-12 education in the United States. In 2007, homeschooled students represent approximately 3 percent of children attending K-12 in the United States (Cogan 19). Since homeschooling is outside the control of the traditional education system, questions have been raised as to whether or not homeschooling can adequately prepare students for a college environment and the rigors of college academics. One side of this argument claims that homeschooling does not adequately prepare students for a college environment. Supporters of this side believe that homeschooling isolates students from the outside world, rendering them socially and educationally handicapped (Romanowski 125). Since their schooling experiences are limited to their homeschool setting, they are at a disadvantage with their postsecondary studies (Romanowski 127). The other side argues that homeschooling is an adequate form of schooling for college preparation. I BELIEVE THAT HOMESCHOOLING CAN ADEQUATELY PREPARE STUDENTS FOR A COLLEGE ENVIRONMENT.
Before the development of the United States education system it was necessary for children to homeschool, but that time has passed. Today students have the option to attend the school that best fits them due to the process of open enrollment. The United States educational system now offers students options such as religious schools, charter schools, private schools, and public schools. Therefore, no reason exists that they can not find a decent school that meets their academic expectations. Families that homeschooled have a distinct disadvantage to families that attend public or private schools.
Being homeschooled gives you options for yourself and your surroundings. “They’ve had complete control over their bodies, minds and spirits almost all their lives. As a result, they know exactly who they are and what they’re passionate about” (Source B). Homeschooling makes you think outside of the box. Think learning on a new level, you can still
Thesis: Homeschooling environment is an effective approach in education due to evidence of higher achievement on placement tests, success through college, engaged socially with activities outside homes, and students becoming active members of society.
Another reason that people may think homeschooling is not good for kids, is that they don’t get a well rounded education. In the article “Homeschooling Curricula Do Not Meet Academic Standards,” it talks about how a mother or father can teach their kids when they, the parents, haven’t been to college (Shives). The teachers that teach in public, private, and charter schools have gone to college to learn how to teach their students. These teacher take years of college to be able to teach kids what they need to know. The teachers take specialized classes for specific grade levels as well. These classes are all tailored to help kids learn in each stage of their lives. In my personal experience when I’ve had Algebra homework and needed help, my
On the other side, there are people who believe that homeschooling is good for children because it allows parents to spend more time with their kids. In the article “Homeschooling is Good for families,” the author talks about how they took their kids and traveled all over to teach their kids about geography (Brown). They talked about how they had spent 3 months in Australia to learn not only about geography but geology, flora, fauna and literature (Brown). They are spending more time with family traveling and learning new things from experience. If they were in school they wouldn’t be able to travel, but instead they would be sitting in the class room seeing pictures, verses experiencing it first hand. If both parents work, it is hard for them
In the Merriam-Webster dictionary, the definition of homeschooling is “To teach school subjects to one’s children at home” (Merriam-Webster). It is hard to find someone today who is not familiar with homeschooling in one way or another. After all, approximately 1,770,000 students are homeschooled in the United States; 3.4% of the school-age population (HSLDA). Due to its prevalence in our society, it is a topic for robust debate. Is homeschooling a viable option for education? Some are against its presence in our society and some believe it to be their human right to educate their children how they see fit. Whichever category, it has definitely made its mark on the education system today.
“The truth is that my parents wanted to give me the freedom to pursue my passions so I'd be better prepared for college and career.” (I'm Homeschooled--Hold the Pity, Please). This quote is spoken by a student who was homeschooled and presents that homeschooling gives the freedom to learn much more than just the required education. Children in a homeschooled setting not only work towards their goals in their education, but learn life lessons that many traditional school children never learn. Traditional school provides science and writing but cannot give time to educate how to clean or organize or even complete a specific task that a child would learn in an in-home or a homeschool-based environment.
Homeschooling is a good alternative to public schools because of certain religious issues, standardized test success, and variety of options for homeschool students, but in some states homeschoolers are having trouble with the school system.
Homeschooling a child can drastically affect their lives in the future, and put them in a clouded state of mind for seeing what the world is. Schooling your child from home will hold them back from learning a wide variety of basic skills that can be easily provided in public or private school systems. Although some see homeschooling as a good way to shelter their children from the world they view as harsh, it is not giving them any chance to gain common social skills. Social skills cannot be taught to a child, they are something the child must learn from interaction with his or her peers. Furthermore, homeschool teachers are not required the level of training and experience that a teacher at a public school are required (Hudak). Diversity is something widely portrayed in school systems; however, homeschooling doesn't allow students to bear witness to the diverse nature found in school systems.
Homeschool is a way for some kids to stay focused on their subjects and not have any distractions. Some kids have trouble with classroom settings, so the best option is for them to get away from others and focus on what is in front of them. Some kids have been bullied to the point where there is no other option but to be homeschooled. The effects of being homeschooled can be both good and bad and it can take a toll on what the child is feeling and also how they react to people and situations they encounter.A child that is being homeschooled can only so many social skills from their parents and the internet to the point that it will not be able to handle other people in the real world but that is false because most kids that I have met are actually very sociable. One effect being homeschooled can have is that the child has to learn everything from their parents or their tutor. This effect is a good one because a child that is learning from the same teacher will not be afraid to ask questions and voice their concerns about anything. Another effect of being homeschooled is that the child is focusing so much on the work they are assigned that can learn at their own speed and they do not have to slow down or speed up their learning from the others around them. A final effect of being homeschooled is that a child might always be stuck in their house and not get enough exercise.
There are reasons for homeschooling which is beneficial to parents and their children. First, it is because of customized curriculum. Second, it is because students who have special needs are able to adapt their learning and meet those necessities without difficulties. Third, it is because of greater time for family bonding. Fourth, it is because of a safe learning environment where parents can watch their children; homeschooling make students free from