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The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (I.B.R.D) better known as the World Bank was established at the same time as the International Monetary Fund to tackle the problem of International investment in 1944. Since the I.M.F was designed to provide temporary assistance in correcting balance of payments difficulties, there was need of an institution to assist long term investment purposes. Thus I.B.R.D was established for promoting long term investment loans on reasonable terms.
The World Bank is an inter-government institution corporate informs the capital stock of which is entirely owned by its member governments. Initially only nation there were members of the I.M.F could be members of the World Bank but the restriction …show more content…

3. To promote private foreign investment through guarantees and participation in loans and other investment made by private investors.
4. To supplement private foreign investments by direct loans out of its own capital for productive purposes.
5. To promote long term balances growth of international trade and the maintenance of equilibrium in the balance payments of member countries by encouraging long term international investments.
6. To bring about an easy transition from a war economy to a peace time economy.
7. To help in raising productivity, the standard of living and the conditions of labour in member countries.
The World Bank advances loans to member countries primarily to help them lay down the foundation of sound economic growth. The loans made by the Bank either directly or through guarantees are intended for certain specific projects of reconstruction and development in the member countries.

The I.B.R.D advances loans to member countries in the following three ways.
1. Loans out of its own Fund: As we know that the Bank collects capital contributions from its members this results in the creation of a sizeable fund out of which the Bank advances loans to the needy member countries.
2. Loans out of borrowed Capital: Sometimes the Bank does not grant loans out of its own funds. It borrows funds from another member country for the purpose of

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