Pocasangre Olivia Dental has faced many challenges since it opened five years ago and with the office on the verges of closure, it is imperative now more than ever for a strategic plan to be implemented to change its present situation. From the previous chapter it was determined by the Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix, (QSPM) the best strategic option for the office was to, hire a new office manager and restructure the dental practice. Furthermore, by turning the dental practice weaknesses into opportunities, as well as their strengths into greater opportunities they will be able to rebound their current situation and transform into a productive and profitable dental practice.
Changes are needed to be implemented in order to sustain
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(Holloway, 2014) Understanding leadership and the important role it provides to a small business was an area that Dr. Pocasange in the five years of private practice had not quite been able to integrate into the practice. Although there was an office manager employed, it was only in title not in actual performance. Small business leaders are multifunctional, often restricted by daily operational demands, yet encouraged to facilitate sustainability. How the leader resolves these issues might be the difference between operational success and failure. (Holloway, 2014) In a dental practice the most valuable employee aside from the dentist is the office manager. An effective office manager has the same level of importance and equivalence as a CEO or President does to any major corporation. The office manager implements and monitors the daily operations of the dental practice by overseeing the duties and tasks performed by the employees from the opening to the closing of each day. They are the ones who relay the vision of the practice through hiring, training, and managing all the team members (Dykstra, 2013). In many small dental practice where there is no clear leadership and the doctor who performs dentistry and tries to manage the practice simultaneously, usually is ineffective in the area of management because it can be overwhelming. The manager’s role to their team is to find the solutions to difficult problems that affect the team and the
Quailbrook Dental Care has established a strategic plan to assist in shaping their vision for serving their community. The main goal areas are quality in service, patient safety and satisfaction, access to care, and patient awareness of the importance of oral health. Frequent changes in governmental regulations and requirements, technology, and payment options require strategic adaption and persistent management. Evaluating the strategic plan of Quailbrook Dental Care will show their goals and plans at every level of care. Identifying stakeholders, understanding the competition, developing strategic alternatives, and implementing value-adding services will increase the sustainability
The following assignment options provide the opportunity for you to identify how a health care process might be updated, streamlined, or implemented in a health care organization.
When an office is poorly managed and the staff is not properly train it creates an equation for failure. The strategic plan presented will examine the current status of Pocasangre Olivia Dental, by examining key internal and external factors to determine where the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities
Prosperous businesses should ensure dedicated frontrunners and supervisors that cultivate, reinforce, and reassure member of staff endurance within a business. At hand is a substantial differentiation concerning guidance and supervision. Generally leadership can be perceived as a perception of communication and business’s visualization, whereas, management can be viewed as achievement of the business’s visualization. It is to my belief that when speaking of leadership and management, the two stands strongly connected, yet equally signify and sustain different assignment and obligations.
Leadership is the elaboration of group inspiration. One person entrusted as leader can implore the aid, and support of supporters in the accomplishment of a common mission. According to Gurdjian, Halbeisen, and Lane “Becoming a more effective leader often requires changing behavior. But although most companies recognize that this also means adjusting underlying mind-sets, too often these organizations are reluctant to address the root causes of why leaders act the way they do” (Gurdjian, Halbeisen, and Lane, 2014) However, today abundant businesses engross importance on the improvement of leaders. Some of the ultimate leaders were formerly followers, such as in instructive businesses. One aspect as leaders many have to contemplate in striving
Much has been written about the difference between management and leadership. In the past, competent management staffs ran effective companies. In light of our ever-changing world, however, most companies have come to realize that it is much more important to lead than to manage. In today's world the old ways of management no longer work. One reason is that the degree of environmental and competitive change we are experiencing is extreme. Although exciting, the world is also very unstable and confused. In an article entitled What’s the Difference between Your Hospital and the Other? Gary Campbell states that the difference between a manager and a leader is that the manager “finds himself quite willing to
Leadership at times can be a complex topic to delve into and may appear to be a simple and graspable concept for a certain few. Leadership skills are not simply acquired through position, seniority, pay scale, or the amount of titles an individual holds but is a characteristic acquired or is an innate trait for the fortunate few who possess it. Leadership can be misconstrued with management; a manager “manages” the daily operations of a company’s work while a leader envisions, influences, and empowers the individuals around them.
In 2012, Dr. Lopez became the managing director of the hospital. His colleagues inspired him to be a leader because he knows how to listen and give them constant advice on how to handle problems or concerns inside the hospital. As a leader, he uses his attitude and experiences for being a counselor. He has a passion for helping others as well as a passion for this profession. With his exceptional listening skills, he listens to the problems arising and then plans on how to address these concerns. He constantly gives feedbacks to the employees, especially when he sees something wrong. However, he makes sure that these feedbacks are more of encouraging than degrading the employees. In this way, employees will be determined to perform their duties well. He tries to be a great role model so that employees will be inspired to do their work like his but poses authority so that he can still gain respect
During my time with them, I was able to differentiate between the functions, roles, and responsibilities of healthcare managers, while working with the following managerial positions. I was able to view them carry out various management functions of planning—closing of a pharmacy, getting annual goals for annual merits, discuss implementation of FY18 strategic planning, staffing--interviews, directing—manager/leadership meetings and staff meetings, controlling—weekly safety huddles addressing patient safety events, addressing staff concerns, and addressing staff behavior, and decision making—completing daily tasks and going to
According to Quinn Dufurrena, executive director of the Association of Dental Support Organizations and author of Transforming the Cottage Industry: The Rise of Dental Support Organizations, “As dentists, we need to protect this most sacred of doctor-patient relationships and not allow greed, control or power to divert any of us from our much needed vocations …. [T]he balancing act between good clinical work and demanding business responsibilities for any solo dentist has eluded most practitioners. The DSO model endeavors to put balance back into the equation.” It is admirable that the owners of these main streamed corporate conglomerates preach the sacredness of quality patient-doctor relations, but statistics and Wall Street numbers are saying
Managing organizational change is the process of planning and implementing change in organizations with maximum effectiveness and minimum circumstances and resistance. Today 's business environment requires companies to undergo changes almost constantly if they are to remain competitive. In this project paper I am going to discuss organizational change in PepsiCo. I will take a closer look on management approach and forces for change. I will introduce the change, make diagnosis and discuss how the change can be implemented.
Changing environments, regulations, technology, and expenses has challenged the healthcare system to provide new strategies for succeeding and meeting the demands of their patients. New methods for planning and implementation are regularly being suggested and tested. Five peer-reviewed articles on strategic planning for healthcare have been reviewed and applied to the needs of Quailbrook Dental Care. Understanding current tactics will assist the organization in achieving their vision of the future.
However leadership, as suggested by Cook (2001), can be seen as a cost effective way to improve patient`s care in times of limited resources, as a good leader can demonstrate certain behaviours and roles to influence others, as to empower others and provide direction and change. Faugier and Woolnough (2002) support these ideas, but also believe that there is a difference between management and leadership, as they contrast managers to be planners, where as leaders are looked upon as people who can communicate vision, motivate, inspire and empower in order to create organisational change. Mullin’s (2007) idea of leadership can be seen as the ability of one person to influence the behaviour or actions of other people.
Leadership is the action of leading a group of people or an organization into success. Leadership cane be defined in many ways. To be a successful leader there are many traits and responsibilities that one must have. An important responsibility of leadership is to receive and utilize all important resources, take advantage of assistance and it encourages support from others who have already taken your path. Many are unsure of how to be a great leader and look to the wrong individual for those skills. Who would be the best candidate to show you how to do something? The one who has already traveled your journey. Being a great leader requires courage and understanding from all walks of life. In this paper we will discuss the transformation leadership style and an important business woman who has proved to be a great leader. We will also cover strategies and techniques on how to increase your leadership performance areas. Before we conclude this paper will explain why leadership is important within each organization and ways to display this within your business.
Terry J. Phillips is from the small town of Bay Springs, Mississippi. He graduated from Bay Springs High School and then went to ……….. to play baseball. He furthered his education and graduated from The University of Mississippi School of Pharmacy. After college, he moved back home where he is now a part owner and operator of Standard Drug Store. Standard Drugs has been in Bay Springs since the early 1980’s; however, Mr. Phillips did not buy into the company until 1998. Mr. Phillips and his two business partners employ, but most of all lead, ten others to provide the city of Bay Springs with high-quality healthcare.