
Inch Landing Research Paper

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Inch’on Landing

On september 15, 1950 during the Korean war U.S marine force made a surprise amphibious landing at the strategic port of Inch’on, on the west coast of Korea. The location had been criticized as too risky, but the United Nations supreme commander insisted on carrying out the bold landing. Afterward, the American led U.N force was able to break North Korean supply lines and push inland to recapture Seoul, the south Korean capital that had fallen to the communists in June. the landing at inchon changed the course of the war. The conflict later settled into a long, bloody stalemate that did not end until July 1953. After Japan was defeated by the allies in world war 2, it lost control of Korea. Korea was divided into two occupation …show more content…

The North Korean soldiers caught south korean’s forces off guard and threw them into a hasty retreat. The United Nations quickly condemned the invasion and demanded an immediate cessation of hostilities and for North Korea to withdraw its armed forces. When North Korea failed to comply, the United Nation security council passed a resolution on June 27 recommending that its members provide military assistance to South Korea. The United States president at the time, Harry Truman soon agreed to send American forces into action. On July 7 the security council recommended that all United Nation forces be sent to South Korea and to be put under United States command. By early August the allies had been pushed back to the pusan perimeter. Throughout August and September the Americans and their counterparts fought off attacks from North Korea and prevented them from advancing any …show more content…

In April 1951, the president, Truman removed, Macarthur from his command after he threatened to bomb China in defiance of truman’s war policy. Truman feared that an escalation of fighting with china would draw the Soviet Union into the Korean war. With Macarthur's dismissal it set off a brief uproar among the american public but, truman remained committed to keeping the conflict in Korea a limited war. On May 1951 the communist were pushed back to the 38th parallel and the battle line remained in that vicinity for the rest of the war. July 27, 1953 after 2 years of negotiation, military leaders from China, North Korea, and the United Nations signed an armistice that ended the fighting and created a new boundary near the 38th parallel that gave South Korea some territory and established a 2.5 mile wide demilitarized zone to serve as a buffer between the two Korea’s. Because South korea and North Korea never signed a peace treaty technically they're still at war today. More than 500,000 American, South Korea, and other United Nation troops were killed, captured or reported missing during the Korean war. North Korea and chinese military casualties have been estimated at nearly 1.6

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