
Indian Culture And How It Translates to America Essay

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India is a captivating country full of humble traditions, lively festivals, and honest beliefs. With over 2 billion people, India has a vast array of religions and languages with Hindi being the most popular. The Hindu culture is a culture of love, respect, honoring others and humbling one's own ego so that the inner nature, which is naturally pure and modest, will shine forth (Mailerindia Infotek Limited). Hindi is a kind and peaceful religion. It is only fitting to combine a temperate religion with a humble society of people. Indians were raised to treat their elders with respect and to always be humble to guests. Strangers will great you with the utmost benevolence and friends will invite you into their home and make sure you are …show more content…

Patrons control their own temples and define what is considered proper (Henderson 30). This religion is multifaceted and offers various ways to practice it yet many share the same basic beliefs.
There are always challenges when moving to a new country. Emigrants find that they not only have to change their ways of living but they also have to find a way to continue to practice their beliefs in their new home. “I went to school here, became Americanized," Fazel says, explaining that in recent years he had started to engage in haram (prohibited) activities such as partying (Williams, DePaul). When you are young you are more susceptible to have leeway on your current beliefs while trying to have a good time. Even things like clothing can be influenced when coming to a new country. Conservative women in India make sure to cover themselves up completely before going out in public. Most India women in America dress don’t dress as modestly and the Indian dress code is put aside. Indian children that have grown up in America may find it hard not to give in to American ways. Most Indian-American youth dress and act like Americans. And it is all of that which is put into question and threated when immigrants leave one place for another (Marin 112). Nevertheless, emigrants from India do attempt to stay true to their religion and they go to great lengths to practice their religion. Worshipping is the most important part of Hindi culture

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