
Influence Of Self Congruity On Consumer Brand Preference And Customer Satisfaction

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The influence of Self-congruity on Consumer Brand Preference and Customer Satisfaction
A literature review

Marketing, in this modern generation, has evolved in tons of various methods. To find the best ways to market a product is imperative in order to survive in this era of globalization. Self-congruity, a discussion initiated by Gardner & Levy is a self-concept and product image relationship and has since been studied by many (Klipfel, J. Barclay, A., & Bockorny, K., 2014). As Levy’s early theory suggest that the notion of congruity between self-concept and brand image are psychological, as it was determined that “modern goods are recognized as essentially psychological things which are symbolic of personal attributes and goals and of social patterns and strivings” (cited by Klipfel, J. et al, 2014).

Branding is an essential part of a company upon foreseeing consumer brand preference and product evaluation. Recent studies outlined by Dumitriu (2012, p 130) suggest that “branding means more than establishing the name for a company or for a product line”. Further investigation on this study can answer questions in relation to better marketing strategy and fill in gaps in line with consumer behaviour. In particular, this review will focus on the influence of Self-Congruity on consumer brand preference and customer satisfaction.

The articles for this review come from recent studies, and will cite a few important historical data where relevant.

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