
International Monetary Fund Essay

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International Monetary Fund


In July 1944, the United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference met in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, to find a way to rebuild and stabilize the world economy that had been severely devastated by World
War II. One result of the conference was the founding of the
International Monetary Fund (IMF) through the signing of its Articles of Agreement by 29 countries.

The stated purposes of the IMF were to create international monetary cooperation, to stabilize currency exchange rates, to facilitate the expansion and balanced growth of international trade, and to make the
IMF's general resources temporarily available to its members experiencing balance of payments difficulties under adequate …show more content…

Except for the Enhanced
Structural Adjustment Facility (ESAF) drawings, which are loans of other members? currencies, members benefit themselves of the IMF?s financial resources by drawing on other members' currencies, or SDRs, with an equivalent amount of their own currencies. The IMF levies charges on these drawings and requires that members repay their own currencies from the IMF over a specified time. There is no debate as to whether there should be a global organization to deal with these sorts of things, but is the IMF the appropriate body to patrol these areas? More importantly, does the IMF have the right to institute policies and unleash its bureaucratic entities upon these sovereign states? Pros:

Though, it is important to note that the IMF?s main goal and purpose is to create a simple international trade by the exchange of foreign currencies. Currencies have a value in terms of other currencies and what others are willing to pay for it. The IMF has effectively eliminated the restrictions on buying and selling national currencies by keeping members informed of each nation?s current value of it?s monetary unit. The IMF is also a research guide that calculates national outputs and how large or small a nation?s economy is for all members to view. Many countries that lack personal finance and central banking turn to the IMF for assistance in solving

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