
Jhumpa Lahiri's 'Interpreter Of Maladies'

Decent Essays

As a newfound adult, Miranda faces the reality of a battle between lust and love. “Interpreter of Maladies” authored by Jhumpa Lahiri depicts her as an ingenuous woman who lets her longevity for love blind her. Miranda experiences chronic rejection of truth and failure to effectively understand boundaries. Although she faces an emotional malady, Miranda is able to overcome it and appreciate new virtues at the end of the plot. Miranda is inflicted with a naive exploration, which prompts her to chase after the notion of “new” and falsify the distinction between age and maturity. Miranda’s story is centered on the ambiguity of lust and love and the confusion it can create. When she first encounters Dev at the cosmetics shop, there is an immediate spark of interest. Despite being strangers, “all …show more content…

Within the time his wife flies back to India, Dev has the opportunity to toy with Miranda. He becomes the first to “reach across a table… to kiss her hand…, to bring her a bouquet of flowers so immense she’d had to split it up into all six of her drinking glasses, and the first to whisper her name again and again when they made love.” There is a significant contrast of inexperience to maturity when Miranda compares her high school love life to Dev. She becomes seduced by his exoticness and his ability to broaden her connections, which causes her crave more. Blinded by this unjaded infatuation, Miranda attempts to incorporate more of the Bengali culture into her lifestyle. Miranda proceeds to change her identity in the name of love when she learns “to write the Indian part of her name”, “tastes new foods”, and essentially

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