
Julius Caesar As A Source Criticism

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In this essay I will be describing, discussing and evaluating my chosen source. I will be using the references that I have chosen, in order to present a clear and concise source criticism, coming to a well rounded conclusion at the end.

The source is taken from the book 'Commentarii de Bello Gallico', which was written and edited by Aulus Hiritus and Julius Caesar and was published around 58 – 49 BC, sometime after Julius Caesars death. It is a secondary source which describes Julius Caesar's first-hand account of the nine-year period that he spent fighting the Celtic and Germanic people in Gaul. The book was written in order to inform the Roman people of the Gallic Wars from a source that they trusted, however it is biased meaning that Caesar may have had particular motives for writing it thus meaning that the content may also be influenced by Caesars motives. Caesars chronology of 'Commentarii de Bello Gallico' allows for him to react to the shifts in Rome's political climate (Timothy, R. Kimbrough, 2014, p. 3), which means that the source I have chosen to critique was written to suit Caesars immediate needs (G. Woolf, 2011, p.54), suggesting that the portrayal of joy that Caesar has been bestowed with could be exaggerated in order to fit the political climate in Rome, allowing him to maintain his position within the Senate and with the Roman population. The book contains information on the Gallic Wars and its purpose is to persuade the Roman people that Caesars appointment in Gaul and his actions during the Wars occurred in order to benefit the Roman state and the Roman people, regardless of the legality with which they were brought about (Timothy. R. Kimbrough, 2014, p.8).

However, the source also suggests that Caesar was popular and was a worthy figure head for the Roman Empire because he was prepared to face the unknown (H. Schadee, 2008, p.170), presenting the his readers that he was then welcomed by the towns and their people connotes that he was expressing his influence and power outside of Rome. The meaning of this source is that Caesar is attempting to exert his reputation and power over the Senate by recounting his actions during the Wars as for the benefit of the Roman empire, to the

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