
Keeping Track Of It All : Week Five Responses

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Keeping Track of It All: Week Five Responses Discussing the Tools to Judge a Business’ Financial Health
Among the tools required for every business to survive and thrive, the ability to maintain a regular self-examination holds an indispensable place. The size of the business in question is almost of no consequence, only the potential complexity of the self-examination changes. A prime tool for such self-examinations is the family of related financial reporting that has become nearly universal in western businesses: the income statement, the balance sheet, and the statement of cash flows. This trio of reports enables management and owners to carefully examine the holdings and liabilities of their business so they may make …show more content…

Income statements generally report on a period matching the standard accounting periods of the business, or may cover a specific period as defined for research purposes. At the core, the income statement provides a key measure of the profitability of a business. This differs from the liquidity or cash on hand of a business, but instead examines the business’ ability to bring in revenues that exceed expenses over a given period of time (Hofstrand, 2009). The income statement generally covers standard categories of revenues and expenses, as well as industry specific categories or sub-categories that hold little utility outside the specific business area. Commonly listed major expenses cover a variety of costs common to nearly all businesses functioning in a country with an established government and rule of law. Costs of goods sold account for the cost of manufacturing or acquiring goods to sell. Selling, general, and administrative expenses cover everything from management costs to staffing compensation to the infrastructure required to move goods to a point where consumers may purchase them. This category also includes expenses such as employee training. Interest expense accounts for any interest payments the business must make to satisfy outside financing arrangements, such as servicing previously issued bonds. Tax burdens make up the last commonly found major expense on the income statement, including national, state, and local taxes.
The Balance Sheet: A Moment Out

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