There is an age old question that goes like this: Are individuals made to be a leader or are individuals born to be leaders? JoAnne Ciculla, a professor in leadership and ethics program at the Jepson School of the University of Richmond states the question should not be, what is leadership, but what is good leadership? (Giampetro-Meyer, Brown, Browne, 1998). Ciculla referenced three types of leadership: transformational, transitional, and servant leadership. While these are just a few, with leadership, you have to be willing to take charge and direct others. At times people may not be receptive because people have a tendency to want to do their own thing and not be controlled or directed by others. As we observe what is going on in society today with the Black Lives Movement, and with police brutality, some have asked the following question. Is there a leader who could bring unity by coming together to allow different groups to talk and move toward a sensible resolution?
For an organization to be successful, the economical, organizational, and political systems depends on how effective and efficient the leader is (Parris & Peachey, 2013). When it comes to being able to influence an organization, you would like to have someone that is able to do this well, however, in some cases a person may not necessarily have the proper skills needed to be a good leader, who could move the organization to be productive.
I will compare, and contrast at least three leadership
An effective leader is one who inspires many to not only accept change but to cause change themselves, furthermore, though leaders can be effective it doesn’t always mean they are responsible with their power.
Becoming a strong, influential leader is determined by an array of factors, as well as who we are as people. Our most inner being holds the key to whether or not we are destined to become successful leaders. Culture and society also play a powerful role in our leadership style. It is thought that various styles of leadership have varied effects on leadership practice and results. Regardless of our natural abilities, there will always be room for change, growth, and overall becoming a more effective leader.
Leadership ethics by Lamar Odom that basically examines whether doing the right thing is enough in leadership. The author examines this issue given that the behavior of leaders has been one of the most intriguing issues in today’s society and in order to provide insights on ethics in leadership. The title of the book provokes deeper thoughts in the minds of leaders even before they open the book to commence reading. The author of this book is a leadership and ethic consultant who has not only taught numerous courses but also carried out several trainings on this intriguing topic. Professor Odom developed interest in examining this issue following the cliché answers he received from time to time on the question of what ethics is. Actually, Odom’s work in examining ethics in leadership was fueled by the concerns he had regarding the cliché answers he received from students and corporate executives.
Leaders are perhaps uncovered at many different levels and situations (Simmons, 2011). However, leaders in many organizations lead when forced into the spotlight and find out they are not equipped to function effectively. Becoming a leader can be as simple as leading a small team, a group or a community organization (Jennings, 2012). The truth of the matter
Every generation has a leader that defines them. Martin Luther King Jr. was a leader for standing up to social rights and leading the civil rights movement. Abraham Lincoln began to lead the American people into unity after a long racial divide. What do I think a leader is? A leader is defined as “The person who leads or commands a group, organization, or country,’’ as said by Oxford. Because of this word’s old age, a leader is often interpreted very differently by different people and I think leaders are able to put others before themselves for the greater good. Along with being selfless leaders are people who are willing to sacrifice themselves for the good of the whole. For example, teachers have the responsibilities of a leader because they set the ground rules and represent their classroom. They are willing to sacrifice anything for your well-being. The leader, a kind and respectful individual, always wants those whom they lead
There are many people in this world that embody the characteristics of leadership. Whether they are known by many people or just a friend of yours, anyone can be a leader and show leadership characteristics. Although not everyone can be a leader all the time/be positive towards life. Before Frederick Douglass decided to escape slavery and show leadership to other slaves, he was reading a book about freedom that you would think would motivate him before it brings him down but it did just the opposite. When Douglass read that book it made him think about how sad his position in life was. Then he turned his life around, even in the times when people don’t think they can get out of their positon and be a leader they do.
An effective leader is someone who is passionate about their goals and knows how to motivate, inspire, and influence others to come together and work as one to reach a common goal and conduct compelling and important changes. The realization of some kind of qualitative or quantitative result because of the actions and influences of an organizations leader is essentially how to evaluate their effectiveness. The characteristics of effectiveness, of course, depend on the goals of the leader and the organization. The fundamental characteristics of what makes an effective leader are mostly universal, however, the characteristics of leader effectiveness from one organization to another may have unique
Effectiveness of leadership rest solely on the style of leadership that the leader embraces. Many times it is also contingent upon the framework of leadership. This simply suggests that dissimilar leadership styles are applicable in different situations. In order to be effective, one must possess an array of skills, influence, traits, behaviors, values, motivation and relationships with followers. Effectiveness of leadership is also the result of the mind, body, soul and spirit coming together to be a visionary, passionate, flexible, inspiring, innovative, courageous, experimental, and initiates change. Effective leadership means are centered on creating an invigorating environment that is safe, fair, and consistent for all. The aforementioned statements
My idea of leadership is being able to inspire others, motivate, set a vision, communicate, respect others, and of course, lead by example. A leader must have an honest understanding of who they are, what they know, and what they are capable of. To be a successful leader, you have to be able to convince your followers, not just yourself or your superiors, that you are worthy of being followed. In my opinion, this can build confidence in their followers to have faith in you, in order to be able to lead. I strongly believe that good leaders are made rather, and not born. If you have the desire and willpower, you can become an effective leader. Good leaders are developed through a never ending process of self-study, education, training, and
How do ethical values shape behavior in organizations? According to Saleem (2014), ethical values and behaviors of an organization are made up of organizations institutionalized philosophies along with the moral ideologies of its members. In addition, the codes of ethics help to enhance the moral reasoning of employees while shaping their behaviors towards morally questioning unethical situations. Organizational leaders are encouraged to build cultures of trust with leadership who establish concerning goals employees pursue y setting examples for others to follow (Crosbie, 2008). The leaders whom are able to build training and development throughout their organization helps design and build relationships characterized by collaborative behaviors those results in mutually beneficial outcomes (Crosbie, 2008).
The topic that we choose is “The relationship between Leadership and Ethics”. The term ethics has been defined as inquiry into the nature and grounds of morality or a branch of philosophy of human conduct and determine right and wrong (Ferrell, Fraedrich & Ferrell, 2010). In the other words, it includes study of general nature of moral, specific moral choices, moral philosophy, and rules or standards of governing the conduct of the member of a profession (Ferrell et al., 2010).
Leadership is something that people are born with. It is an inherent charm and it doesn’t hide even if you want to hide it. There is a leader amongst us and he or she is the one that leads other people to great things by inspiring and motivating people to do good deeds. Leadership has been described as “a process of social influence in which one person can enlist the aid and support of others in the accomplishment of a common task”. This way a leader can decide what work goes in and goes out. Good leaders in history have left a mark in walks of life. But great leaders, they’re different. Great leaders have the ability to make each and every individual re-think their life decisions and choices by
Ethical leadership is leadership that is involved in leading in a manner that respects the rights and dignity of others. As leaders are by nature in a position of social power, ethical leadership focuses on how leaders use their social power in the decisions they make, actions they engage in and ways they influence others. Leaders who are ethical demonstrate a level of integrity that is important for stimulating a sense of leader trustworthiness, which is important for followers to accept the vision of the leader.
I will examine the importance of personal ethics in leadership and how ethics produce effective leaders in organizations today. The importance of understanding ethics, motivation to act as a role model and developing a plan of action for an organization are discussed because of their importance regarding development of good leadership. These key points suggest personal ethics positively affect leadership and when made a priority for leaders will produce ethical and effective leadership. With so many definitions of leadership, the question evolved from “what is the definition of leadership?” to “what is good leadership” (Ciulla, 2004, p. 13). To develop a system of values one must compile a list of the most important instrumental values and terminal values. These lists are unique to every individual because they are determined by personal importance. Instrumental values, such as honest, helpful, ambitious, responsible, etc. should reinforce terminal values. Once a leader’s means are consistent with desired goals, their value system is unified and they have climbed the staircase from the lobby to the first level of values. The climb from the first floor to the second floor results in a person incorporating principles into their newly developed values. Although values act as the bedrock of ethics, principles are required because alone, “values are far too vague to have much meaning in ethical analysis” (Cooper, 1998, p. 12). Morals are ideals that help us decipher between right
Ethical leadership encompasses the manner in which one leaders that respects the rights and dignity of other individuals. According to Preston (1996) “ethics is concerned about what is right, fair, just, or good; about what we ought to do, not just what is the case or what is most acceptable or expedient” (p.16). Ethical leadership calls for ethical leaders in the organization. However, although an organization’s beliefs, valves, customs and philosophies need to start from the chief executive, the managers and employees must be dedicated to the organization’s goals for a culture be shaped (Butts Ed.). In order for a strong organizational culture to be successful, components of key valves must be in place and followed. With the