
Leadership Styles Essay

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Leadership Styles
LDR/531 Organizational Leadership

Leadership Styles
Leaders have a “the ability to influence a group toward the achievement of a vision or set of goals” (Robbins & Judge, 2007, p. 402). In the past leaders have been described by certain traits or characteristics. These traits can help an organization identify potential candidates who may be strong leaders. Later behavior approaches of leaders were identified that could be taught. In short, leaders could be made. Situations have an impact on which leader behaviors will be most effect at any given time. Several contingency theories have been formulated over the years to identify how situations influence leadership behavior. Each style has strengths and …show more content…

Dependent on the situation a leader can use a supportive, directive, participative or achievement-oriented behavior type to motivate subordinates to achieve higher performance levels.
Situational leadership theory “specifies the appropriate type of leadership behavior for different levels of subordinate maturity in relation to the work” (Yuki, 2006, p. 223). For less mature subordinates may require a leader to be more task and directive-oriented to provide guidance that will help mature the individual. Mature subordinates require less task-oriented structures and work best when a leader uses a relation-oriented method.
Multiple-linkage model includes four variables: managerial, intervening, criterion, and situational (Yuki, 2006). This model describes “the interacting effects of managerial behavior and situational variables on the intervening variables that determine the performance of a work unit” (Yuki, 2006, p. 228). The six intervening variables are task-commitment, ability and role clarity, organization of work, cooperation and mutual respect, resources and support, and external coordination. These variables are interdependent. To maximize the effectiveness of a group, a balance of each variable is critical. A situation can affect the variables, regardless of leader involvement. A leader’s role is to correct any deficiencies.
Cognitive resource theory analyzes the situations in which

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