
Leadership Styles Strenghts and Weaknesses Essay

Decent Essays

What are the key strengths and weaknesses of the supportive, directive, and participative styles of leadership? Substantiate your response. The key strengths of participative leadership style are increased productivity and job satisfaction. When employees are afforded an opportunity to be involved in the organization’s decision making process, they are likely to develop a strong sense of commitment to the organization as well as increase their performance. Job satisfaction is another key strength of this leadership style. Most employees display high levels of job satisfaction when they notice their suggestions and/or recommendations are taken seriously and in some instances implemented within the organization. Additionally, this …show more content…

Further, since this particular leadership style does not include involve employees in the organization’s decisions making process, they are likely to feel that they are not valued by the organization. The key strengths of the supportive leadership style are that it helps to build and maintain effective interpersonal relationships because managers, using this leadership style, are considerate and friendly toward their employees. As a result, the manager is likely to gain and maintain the loyalty of the employees. Additionally, supportive managers, tend to build relationships with employees, create relationships build on trust. Further, employees will feel liked, appreciated, and valued. Also, in a group setting, supportive leadership, helps build cohesion and keep the group together. The primary strength of supportive leadership style is that it helps to build and sustain positive, supportive relationships where employees are more likely to also support the leader and his goals. The strengths of supportive leadership plays a significant in the organization because they help increase employees’ feelings of being valued by organization leaders resulting in increased productivity, reduction in employees’ stress levels, and increasing their self-confidence. Additionally, employees are allowed to explore their creativity and talents while developing their leadership skills where they may one day serve as a leader within the organization.

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