
Letter From Birmingham Jail Essay

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Letter From Birmingham Jail The American civil rights movement through the 1950's and 60's was a turning point for our country as a whole. Probably the most influential leader of that time was Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. King became a leader because of his ability to captivate crowds with his powerful speeches. One of the most important letters he wrote was while he was incarcerated in Birmingham, Alabama. The letter was to eight fellow clergymen that were from Alabama. The "Letter From Birmingham Jail" was in response to some criticism from the clergymen. King calmly tries to state his purpose for his …show more content…

One of the rhetorical strategies he used while writing this letter was the allusions. He used incidents that had in one way or another affected the clergymen's denomination or family history as a whole. When King refers to "the refusal of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego to obey the laws of Nebuchadnezzar.(page 321)", he is referring to the Rabbi Hilton L. Grafman. He states that "early Christians who were willing to face hungry lions and the excruciating pain of chopping blocks rather than submit to certain unjust laws of the Roman Empire. (page 321)", he focuses this statement to the other Christian clergymen. King finally uses a reference from our countries past, the Boston Tea Party. This reference demonstrates the struggle for freedom that we had a couple hundred years ago and this comment is directed to all the clerymen . By using this approach of writing, King can better demonstrate why he is doing what the clergymen are questioning. The examples he used are perfect references that civil disobedience has worked and turned out for the better on earlier believers of the church, whatever denomination. Facts are a definite way to persuade a

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