
Literature Review on Performance Appraisal

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Interview : Salery Negotiations General Interview Tips And Tricks Salary negotiation is more of an art than a science. It usually is one of the most neglected and under-rated aspects of a Job search. I have heard quite a few people say, "I just want to get my foot in the door, and I don't care about how much they pay me to start with. Once I am in, I can get good raise etc." In my opinion, don't ever make that mistake. It just doesn't work that way. Do not accept a position at a salary lower than you know you are worth with the hopes of big raises in the future. The article below by Lee Miller is the best article I have found on this subject. He has also written a book, "Get More Money on Your Next Job", which is very interesting and an …show more content…

You may be the only qualified candidate to have made it through the interview process, and the company would like to hire someone quickly. Similarly, if you have been able to defer discussing compensation until the company has determined you are the best candidate for the job, your bargaining position will be greatly strengthened. These are enviable positions to be in. On the other hand, you may in fact be one of several candidates the company is considering, any one of whom it would be happy to hire. Under those circumstances, compensation may be the key factor in determining who gets the job. Sizing up the situation and understanding the relative position of each of the parties to the negotiations will help you determine when to press your advantage and when to back off. Commandment 5: Never Lie, but Use the Truth to Your Advantage Honesty is important. If you lie during the negotiations, sooner or later you are likely to be caught. Once you are caught lying, you lose all credibility. Even if you don't lose the job, you will be placed at a tremendous disadvantage, and your future credibility on the job will be undermined. On the other hand, total candor will not be rewarded. You are not required to answer a specific question directly unless the answer helps your position. You can determine what you want to say and how you want to say it. One element of preparation is to understand those areas which may be problematic so

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