
Management Information System Essay

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It deals with planning for, development, management, and use of information technology tools to help people perform all tasks related to information processing and management.

In the above definition you can find the three key resources-information, information technology, and people. You will also find various functions that you as a knowledge worker must undertake to ensure that your origination maximizes its advantages. It doesn't matter if you are preparing to work in the area of finance, human resource management, logistics, marketing or even information technology, you will still have responsibilities that include planning for, developing, managing and using MIS function with in your area of expertise.

Management …show more content…

Customer moment of value is defined as providing service,

When the customers wants it (Time).

Where the customer wants it (Location).

How the customers wants it (From).

In a manner guaranteed to the customer (Perfect delivery).

Role of information technology

An organization's ability to provide perfect service at customer moment of value depends on three things:

Knowing the time at which the customer's moment of value occurs.

Knowing the location where the customer's moment of value occurs.

Knowing the form in which the customer's moment of value occurs.

All these can be summed up easily- it's having knowledge, and knowledge comes from having information. Gaining knowledge through information is the role of IT in today's information based business. IT is the set of tools that can help provide the right people with the right information at the right time.


1. Formulate and implement plans, programs and standards for management information technology development.

2. Develop and manage the health and management information systems

3. Develop and manage the info structure (including corporate database and telecommunication services).

4. Develop tools to utilize intellectual capital of

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