
Martin Luther King Jr.

Decent Essays

After Martin Luther King Jr. presenting his speech known as “I have a dream” on March 1963, now five decades has passed. We were once again forced to ask ourselves: did we yet have a long way?
A 21-year-old white man, Dylann Roof, killed nine African-American people at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, S.C. on Wednesday, June 17. They gathered for Bible study. The mass murder has acted as an anti-black racist with radical violent statements of African-Americans. Mr. Roof posted a few views of flying the white power flag on his Facebook page several days before the tragedy. And his friend said that signs had been showed up but nobody took it serious. The news shocked the nation since the struggles of race have been brought up several times among the year. People around the nation mourned the deaths after the tragedy happened. At the same time, similar issues happen repeatedly lead people to self-examine. No matter the massacre occurred in Charleston, the police shooting in Cleveland or Boston, all of these facts lead us to a same destination: the conflicts between the people in different skin tone. Although 52 years from the date of the speech delivered have passed, these issues are still there. Moreover, they even go further on an unexpected path.
Mr. Roof, the mass murder, picked up the view of anti-black evidently on his Facebook page a few days before he finally sat in the church. As his friend said, Mr. Roof claimed to “start a civil

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