
Media And Aggression Essay

Decent Essays

Hypothesis: The experiment aims to see if violent media has an effect on aggression in adolescent youth. The study hypothesizes that children specifically the experimental group those exposed to violent media will be more aggressive than those who weren’t exposed to violent media.
1. The independent variable in the experiment was violent media specifically video games.
2. The dependent variable in the experiment was aggression.
3. After recent violent shooting such as the Sandy Hook massacre, there has continued to be growing concern about violent media and its effect on youth. The research topic was chosen because we want to see if there is a link between aggression and violent media. We are primarily interested in if a person specifically and adolescent becomes more violent after watching, reading, or playing violent media.
4. For this study, we choose 20 adolescent youth with ages ranging from 12 to …show more content…

In my study, the experiment and control group will have similar rooms the same time studied with the same criteria for aggression.
10. We have to mindful of the constraints and dangers of such a short and physical experiment. The experiment is short term and fast paced and as such cannot be used to explain long-term effects on aggression. We have to also be mindful of the potential physical and psychological harm the children may face. For example, some of the children might not have ever played a violent video game and doing so could cause some psychological harm. Children are a protected population so we will need to make sure that they are as safe as possible.
11. Other observation can be debriefing we can explain the experiment to the children as well as find out more individual information and feelings of each child had about the experiment to get a better picture. We could also conduct a survey using a Likert scale after the experiment is over to see how the kids view their behavior and whether they thought it was aggressive or

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