Introduction: Entry Modes: How are Mergers and Acquisitions different? The mode of entry is a fundamental decision a firm makes when it enters a new market. The mode of entry affects how a firm faces the challenges of entering a new country and deploying new skills to produce and/or market its products successfully. A firm entering a foreign market faces an array of choices to serve the market. According to Johnson and Tellis 2008 the entry mode choices can be grouped in 5 classifications: 1. Export: a firm’s sales of goods/services produced in the home market and sold in the host country through an entity in the host country. 2. License and franchise: a formal permission or right offered to a firm or agent located in a host country to use …show more content…
(Ibid 1)
Why Mergers and Acquisitions? If a firm wishes to deepen its expertise in a specialty and to do so quickly, then merging or acquiring a firm that possess such expertise is a viable step. A merger or acquisition might also be appropriate if a firm wishes to expand its practice area capabilities or to expand its geographical presence or achieve economies of Scale. According to Brennan (2004) other reasons for mergers and acquisitions include revenue synergy, acquisition of market power, diversification and a bargain presenting itself: • Revenue Synergy. The new firm will be greater than the sum of the individual parts. Stronger management skills could add to the synergy. Cross-selling opportunities can offer tremendous potential, provided that the integration of the two firms is solid enough to enable such cross-selling. • Acquisition of Market Power. Firms often merge in order to create a stronger competitor, often because, as mentioned above, they are deepening expertise or their ability to compete in new areas, the combination might provide new marketing strengths.
• Diversification. A merger or acquisition will add new services or a presence in new geographic locales. • A Bargain Presents Itself. A crisis situation at another firm has driven it to seek a merger or accept acquisition, and such a rescue would fit with
Mergers and acquisitions have become a growing trend for companies to inorganically grow a business within its particular industry. There are many goals that companies may be looking to achieve by doing this, but the main reason is to guarantee long-term and profitable growth for their business. Companies have to keep up with a rapidly increasing global market and increased competition. With the struggle for competitive advantage becoming stronger and stronger, it is almost essential to achieve these mergers. Through research I will attempt to dissect the best practices for achieving merger success.
Becoming a larger more efficient company with a strengthening competitive position opens up the opportunity for more mergers and acquisitions of competitors, suppliers and/or customers.
Once again, “A takeover is when one business buys another business. This tends to be more hostile as the buying business is the main one to benefit.” There are some advantages you can gain from this. Firstly, likewise to merging, there can be international growth. “Businesses can make their services or products available globally by acquiring businesses in various locations internationally. For instance, Belgium brewing company, InBev took over Budweiser for $52 billion in 2008 in order to expand its presence in the U.S. market and create one of the largest consumer beverage companies in the world, according to The Times. Due to the acquisition, profits of the company rose by 11 percent in 2011, according to France 24.” (
Question 1 Several factors have been proposed as providing a rationale for mergers. Among the more prominent ones are (1) tax considerations, (2) diversification, (3)
Mergers and takeovers are forms of external growth within a business. External growth occurs when one firm decides to expand by joining together with another. A takeover specifically refers to the gaining control of a firm by acquiring a controlling interest in its shares (51%). Merger, on the other hand, means the joining with another firm to form a new combined enterprise, shares in each firm are exchanged for shares in the other.
The goals of mergers range from reducing the number of competitors, to access of new products (Belcourt et al., p 330). Statistics show that 80% of new product developments fail (Howells, 2011), partly due to challenges and conflicts with human resources functions. Mergers and acquisitions are the fastest way to enter new markets. “It is estimated that 1/3 of all mergers fail due to faulty integration of diverse operations and cultures,” (Chhinzer, 2013). Therefore, the success of a merger or acquisition lies in the ability to guide, motivate, retain, and effectively use
It is believed that at the root of any business strategic merger is to expand. This expansion could be in the form of a larger operations leveraging resources, enhanced opportunities or too simply unite with another business to reduce expenses. Ford and Volvo explored the option of teaming up in hop of lowering manufacturing cost.
1. The food industry is one of the business sectors that are in full development process. This development can be mostly attributed to fast food chains that have expanded in number of locations, types of products provided, and number of customers. An important trend that influences the food industry is represented by organic foods. It seems that in increased number of customers is interested in developing a healthy lifestyle. This also refers to food. Therefore, certain customer segments are interested in purchasing organic foods and beverages.
In regards to acquisitions, it is important to distinguish between mergers and acquisitions. In a merger, two companies come together and create a new entity. In an acquisition, one company buys another one and manages it consistent with the acquirer’s needs. An acquisition that involves integration has greater staffing implications than one that involves separation (Rizvi, 2008). A combining of companies is a major change. Mergers and acquisitions represent the end of the gamut of options companies have in combining with each other. It is the mergers and acquisitions that are the combinations that have the greatest implications for size of investment, control, integration requirements, pains of separation, and people management issues
Abernethy and Chapman are desirable because they have a steady clientele and continue to generate revenues leaving them with a net income that is favorable. Often companies will merge with another company in an effort to avoid bankruptcy, consolidate services, or expand. Over the years, we’ve seen many big-name firms merge with others. Acquisitions and mergers are becoming a trend due to the number of partner retirements and the lack of succession plans. (Sinkin and Putney, 2013) Firms such as Abernethy and Chapman might agree to an acquisition because it is often the most cost-effective way for them to increase cash flow and continue to be successful. Mergers can either be a success or a failure. When you merge organizations, you are also merging personalities which can often lead to conflict; however, merging the different levels of expertise could be beneficial to a firm. Ultimately, I believe that merging firms will create
A merger is basically a deal that unites two existing companies into one company. This is usually done to expand a company’s reach, expansion into new segments or simply to gain market share. There are different types of mergers that exist as a result of the different reasons that companies might have to merge. The 5 main types include:
Mergers and acquisitions occur because directors see benefits that could come from combining two or more businesses, which could improve the
When companies combine/merge the whole objective is to gain new opportunities, gain market share, grow the business, to become more innovative and to improve product offerings, utilizing/sharing the existing resources and data. From the case
A merger is a strategy where two companies agree to combine. Mergers are popular among
* For the corporation that has acquired another company, merged with another company, or been acquired by another company, evaluate the strategy that led to the merger or acquisition to determine whether or not this merger or acquisition was a wise choice. Justify your opinion.