
Mexican Immigrant Persuasive Speech

Decent Essays

I still remember when I met you. That prideful charisma you always carried. How can someone remain so confident being a Mexican immigrant during Trump's election? I often asked myself before I knew your story, before I knew what you had been through.
Your family had big dreams. You were so small when you came to the US, just 6 years old. So innocent. Coming from Mexico City, its drastically different. You had no clue what was ahead of you. School was most difficult, you spent 3 years in an English learning class. Even after, many things seemed hard for you to comprehend. Yet, you stayed strong. When you got to high school things changed, all that work had paid off. From then on you only took honors and ap classes. You were president of National …show more content…

Dreamers could now obtain a Drivers License, a work permit, and enroll in any college. Though, most importantly it offered a temporary legal status to those who would attend college or join the military. This to the dreamers meant no more hiding in the shadows. They would be given the chance to demonstrate their worth without having to worry about deportation. Things from here on would only get better. Right ? Wrong. President Trump rescinded DACA September 5, 2017. See, but that day Trump took something much more than just a program away from these 800,000 young adults. He murdered a piece inside them, for this program had given them the only bit of courage they knew. He striped them from the opportunity to live the American dream. Why? Because DACA is unconstitutional. Because DACA threatens American culture. Because it threatens American jobs. Disgusting.
There is one thing Trump left behind for DACA members, a seed. He has planted a seed that will grow fear amongst these 800,000 young immigrants. The fear of being deported to a land they can no longer identify as

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