
My Definition of Success Essay

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Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself, do not go out and look for a successful personality and duplicate it.
– Bruce Lee –

What is success? Society is always striving for a definition to define it and how others can and have achieved it. This paper will illustrate the definition of success, what makes society success or not success, and what my personal definition of success is. This will show how twisted and materialistic people can really be in today’s world. In the definition success is the achievement of something desired, planned, or attempted. Many people feel that they have lived up to this definition. In the article by Alan Ruddock he states “society has been transformed by …show more content…

Many families don’t have the money to pay the taxes to improve the system so they don’t do as well so they wouldn’t be considered a success. In some cases schools are shut down because they do so poorly. Society is always forcing people to achieve and if they don’t fulfill that achievement they are a failure. They are always looking for the end of the journey and not enjoying the ride that goes with it. In the Jonathan Fagg article he says “the continental attempt to achieve produces a society full of people who will never be satisfied because of the very thing they use to try to get there.” In the case of Enron they CEOs wanted to be such a success they did anything to get their money even if it was illegal. Once they were caught they had messed up so many of their employees lives just because they had become greedy. Money is the issue with society today. More people care about themselves and how much they can buy rather than looking at the bigger picture of success. Another example of people only caring about themselves and not the struggles of others are in the disabled community. In the article by Sonali Shah she mentions how the disable tend to be perceived as low achievers, which helps explain the high rate of unemployment among the group. In fact one of the world’s smartest men is disabled. His name is Steven Hawking. He is a scientist but his body is so crippled he is trapped in a wheel chair and can only speak through a

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