
My Parents Have Parents

Decent Essays

Most teenagers have parents they can rely on. Whether it’s their mom or their dad or any other guardian. Both my mom and dad have been a big part of my life. However, at times it feel like my mom is my only parent. My dad would oftentimes unconsciously act like he isn’t my dad and more so, not part of the family. He never had much to say and seemed like he was always in his own little world. I don’t see my friends’ dad being like that so why is my dad acting this way? As far as I remember, I don’t remember my dad doing anything very memorable for me. As he become more uninvolved with the family, I became more involved. Because of my dad, I learned how to become independent and not rely him anymore. However, despite his ignorance, my dad is still my dad and I love him.
My parents were both born in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. It was extremely difficult for them to live in Malaysia because money was always an issue. They weren’t happy there and so they made the difficult decision of immigrating to America twenty years ago, a couple of years before I was born. They came to a foreign country with hardly anything, but hope. Hope to have a better life in “the land of the …show more content…

She knew that she couldn’t rely on my dad anymore because his gambling addiction causing an unstable income. During this difficult time when money was tight, my mom taught me that independence is key. I thought that if my dad doesn’t care about the family, then I will. I began to mature during middle school because that was when I began to understand what was going on in my family. Whenever I had time, I would do a couple house chores in order to lighten my mom’s workload because she was generally very busy. I thought that as her daughter, I have the duty to help her whenever I can. I felt bad often times because I couldn’t do anything significant besides wash dishes, babysit my younger sister, and do well in

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