
My Time Management Skills And University

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Week 2: This week I had to do a PLP, Science, English and IT assignment. With all this homework, I had to use good time management skills. Furthermore, I put my ICT, literacy and critical and creative thinking capabilities to good use. Developing my time management skills and the latter capabilities, will help me when I’m at university. You need great time management skills and university if you want to finish every assignment on time and pass that assignment. If I start my assignment as soon as I get it next time, I think I will be less stressed and rushed.

Week 3: This week I handed up all my assignments, therefore I was a lot less stressed. Since my school is a technology oriented school, and we all have our own laptops, my …show more content…

I got two wickets and two runs. I bowled a kid middle stump on my second ball. Cricket also improved my teamwork skills. I tried out for knockout tennis, and got in so I will be competing in that next Thursday.

Week 5: Since I have been improving my time management skills over the past few weeks, I have found that this week was a breeze, even though I have had another Information Technology assignment and my Short Crime Fiction Story Assignment. On Thursday, I participated in the school’s knockout tennis competition, I lost my doubles 6-2 and I won my singles 6-3. However, the boys team lost by six games. I have had a lot of practice with my personal and social capability, since I have been down the street with my friends and have been to Friday night basketball. I am looking forward to the next round of school Cricket, next Wednesday.

Week 6: This week we started our Sport and Fitness unit, which is clay target shooting. I thoroughly enjoyed it and shot the clay once, out of four shots. I also had a day off on Wednesday for cricket again. We played at Port Pirie and against Whyalla. Sadly, we lost because we got rained out. This week I also organized my place of work experience, which is Mellor Olsen’s in Adelaide. I had to use good personal and social skills when asking the boss, so that he would choose me. I also had to put my literacy capability to the test, because I had to write the boss a short letter on why he should choose me to

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