Week 2: This week I had to do a PLP, Science, English and IT assignment. With all this homework, I had to use good time management skills. Furthermore, I put my ICT, literacy and critical and creative thinking capabilities to good use. Developing my time management skills and the latter capabilities, will help me when I’m at university. You need great time management skills and university if you want to finish every assignment on time and pass that assignment. If I start my assignment as soon as I get it next time, I think I will be less stressed and rushed.
Week 3: This week I handed up all my assignments, therefore I was a lot less stressed. Since my school is a technology oriented school, and we all have our own laptops, my
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I got two wickets and two runs. I bowled a kid middle stump on my second ball. Cricket also improved my teamwork skills. I tried out for knockout tennis, and got in so I will be competing in that next Thursday.
Week 5: Since I have been improving my time management skills over the past few weeks, I have found that this week was a breeze, even though I have had another Information Technology assignment and my Short Crime Fiction Story Assignment. On Thursday, I participated in the school’s knockout tennis competition, I lost my doubles 6-2 and I won my singles 6-3. However, the boys team lost by six games. I have had a lot of practice with my personal and social capability, since I have been down the street with my friends and have been to Friday night basketball. I am looking forward to the next round of school Cricket, next Wednesday.
Week 6: This week we started our Sport and Fitness unit, which is clay target shooting. I thoroughly enjoyed it and shot the clay once, out of four shots. I also had a day off on Wednesday for cricket again. We played at Port Pirie and against Whyalla. Sadly, we lost because we got rained out. This week I also organized my place of work experience, which is Mellor Olsen’s in Adelaide. I had to use good personal and social skills when asking the boss, so that he would choose me. I also had to put my literacy capability to the test, because I had to write the boss a short letter on why he should choose me to
This week was not too bad in regards to any of the work I actually needed to do. There are definitely some concepts that I think I need to improve my understanding but I think that I did take away what was available from the texts we were provided.
Week 2 has been quite overwhelming. I did not have enough time to do my reading assignments over the weekend. I normally utilize Saturday and Sunday to do my research work and reading. Unfortunately, on Saturday morning, I attended a meeting that took half of the day, when I returned home my husband informed that he had invited our friends over for dinner as they will be leaving for Melbourne the following day. My house was a mess as it hadn't been cleaned the previous weekend when we were away. Thus, my whole Saturday was wasted on doing the trivial aspects of life. I missed church on Sunday so that I can catch up on my work and everything went well thereafter. I managed to complete my tasks. I found that a lot of students were divided when it came answering the forum discussion assignment on what would happen to bond prices if terrorism ended and countries adopted free trade. What's you take on this one?
This week was a busy week, my Supervisor gave me several tasks to finish for this week.
We are on week four, time is going by fast. I Just got home and went strait to my office, I want to get the class started, I am happy about my graded test last week I did well.
Week seven, I cannot believe that we only have one more week after this one and then finals. I am getting a little nervous because of the final exam, but happy at the same time; because passing this class is another step closer to reach my goals.
This week was has been very productive for me. I’ve started to add resources and activities to my curriculum map and my research for my finding presentation is ongoing. I feel I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. I am aware of what I want to put in my curriculum map and things are starting to come together. I feel really good about my progress this week.
There is much to be said about this week, yet I don't want to take a lot of your time. I'll touch of some experiences and highlights.
My week was not fun but I did a lot. I am all most done with my reading goal. My mom and dad are going to Las Vagus so, I can play games all weekend. My brothers and I are going to eat ever thing. These are the reasons I had a fun week and
ENGLISH with Mrs. Spade… AWESOME FIRST WEEK! Our Dolphin Team did an excellent job assimilating to ODS over the past couple of days. We settled in, wrote a quick persuasive piece, and read the first chapter of The View From Saturday. I am already impressed and know we have a solid group this year.
In essence, week 4 was a fantastic week, followed all procedures, gained an audience and made new friends at WRGP. Although I’m still adjusting to the new environment everyone in FIUSM has made me feel welcome. I hope when I decide a Topic for my show that I will have the staff of WRGP help me along
This trimester was the final one of the entire school year. It has been moderately stressful and pleasant at the same time. It has been stressful because of science fair and by knowing that high schools are going to look at your grades. It has also been stressful because we have a plethora of homework that takes approximately 2-3 hours to finish. On the other hand, we had a enjoyable when we went to Alcatraz this trimester. Going to Alcatraz was a stupendous trip and experience for the whole class and was excellent learning something from a historical landmark. I chose theses assignments because the summarize and represent all of the assignments I had this whole trimester.
It has been 3 weeks since my last weekly reflection so I have had a lot of time to get some great work done. I have: made videos, Designed an Apple TV mount for the schools classrooms walls, cleaned up websites for teachers, written an app review, worked on a class project called Digital literacy and finally I have been working on my ILE. (individual learning endeavor)
Overall, that week did not turn out how I wanted it to. I missed my junior year of tennis sectionals, that I had spent all season preparing for, and homecoming was approaching. The thought of missing sectionals and homecoming devastated me. This lead to multiple grumpy mornings, afternoons and evenings.
The first day i had a lot of hopes for this week. But so far we have done this contraption with an egg inside and the whole purpose what to drop the egg without breaking it. Another cool thing that we did was with mr. ochoa we played this really stressful game (well it was stressful for me) because the whole purpose of the game was to work together and no one wanted to talk. And we had to figure out all these kinds of hard puzzles and use the answers to open these locks attached to a suitcase. But we only managed to open two locks out of four.
I am doing good this week. I am keeping up with all of my assignments and class readings. I haven't had any mid terms yet, but I am using my time wisely to make sure I leave time to study for each one.