
Negative Reinforcement Is A Good Form Of Discipline

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Parenting can be very difficult to those who are parents whether they are a mother a father or a guardian. Parents are obligated to find disciplining techniques that are suitable, and to the world, acceptable. Many people think that negative reinforcement is a good form of discipline, but what they don’t know is its causes increase in the behavior. There are two forms of discipline, as said above it talks about negative reinforcement. Negative reinforcement is where a parent thinks that they are helping the child by responding and dealing with the situation negatively showing the child to fight fire with fire. Reinforcement is often confused with punishment. Punishment is defined as showing the child that they were wrong by teaching them …show more content…

“Parental discipline is a method for teaching self-control and adapted, acceptable behavior (Papalia, Olds, & Feldman, 2008), where parents can opt for punitive as well as nonpunitive methods (Socolar et al., 2007; Socolar et al., 2005; Straus & Fauchier, 2007). In this light, disciplining children is regarded as a preventive and a corrective parental method by which parents try to limit the unacceptable behavior of their children” (Straus & Fauchier, 2007). “Studies have shown that parents tend to use largely nonpunitive methods in their parenting efforts” (Poljak, 2009; Socolar et al., 2007; Straus & Field, 2003; Straus & Stewart, 1999). The research on the Slovenian population by Poljak (2009) showed that 61% of the parents reported using at least one form of corporal punishment; 83% used at least one form of psychological aggression; one third of the parents reported having spanked, hit, or slapped their children in the past year; and one sixth reported having used a wooden spoon, brush, belt, or other object for exerting corporal punishment on their 10-year-olds. Research from the United States by Straus and Field (2003) showed that 88.6% of parents used at least one method of psychological aggression. According to research from Straus and Stewart (1999), 43.1% of parents reported using their hands to spank their 9- to

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