News Media, Money and Infotainment
In the past few years the media has grown into more than just the facts. The goal of the media is not just to inform us but to entertain. This new media style is known as "Infotainment". The media's goals are ratings based. They use shows like Jerry Springer, Entertainment Tonight, and Hard Copy to bring in these ratings. The media of today has grown into a profit-based industry that tries to entertain us with the news and with tabloid television shows.
In the late 1980s and early 1990s the three big television stations, of ABC, CBS, and NBC, changed to provide more infotainment. Networks lost ratings to the heavy competition of cable and home video. The diminishing audience caused the big three
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Jerry Springer now has an uncensored video with exerts from his daytime show that can't be shown on television. This video even has an extra ten minutes that, if you pay more, you can watch. The video consists of trash talk, violence, and nudity and people love to watch these of things. Then there are shows like The Oprah Winfrey Show that are still grouped as trash television shows but are considered "Good Trash". Oprah doesn't have fights or strippers on her show. The show is higher class than the others are. She has guests on that are respectable actors, actresses, comedians, etc. (Talked To Death). These shows may be trash but they bring in the ratings and the profits which is what this industry is trying to do. These infotaining shows are trash and exploit people anyone they can to make a profit, but the viewers must like it.
These talk shows have a tendency to go overboard and it can lead to trouble. A few years ago on Jenny Jones they had a male guest tell another who was a friend that he had a crush on this other person. The man who found out his friend wanted to be with him became very disturbed by this. A few days later he killed his gay friend. These shows are a bad way to bring things out about people. Who knows how they will react, especially when incidents like this one occur? These are private matters, not public entertainment. These matters shouldn't be on television, but stay in privacy. After the trial was over for that
It is important that news sources provide facts because not only does that allow viewers to choose a side, but it also informs him/her about what is going on. An individual should not have to search for the truth; every source should give both sides of a story. Each individual should be able to find the truth in a single source. Since this is not the case, viewers are having to look for the truth. Watching the news on the television mostly shows only one side of the story and the sources do not pay attention to other opinions which makes the viewer stick to that belief as well. However, in today’s generation, most individuals do not rely on television for the news. These individuals utilize electronic devices to find out about recents news. The viewers hear or read about different perspectives and are able to decide what they agree with and disagree
The media is an extremely powerful source in society today. Surprisingly, many are unaware of this and choose to believe everything they read in magazines, newspapers and online without actually understanding where this information is coming from. This is a monumental problem in our generation today because like Malcolm X said, the media has the power to make the innocent look guilty and the guilty look innocent. In other words, the media has the power to manipulate our views and perspectives on controversial issues to persuade us to believe their
There are so many conflicts in life and when people go to find the truth, the media is the first to be looked at. People like to think that there is correct information from the media but in reality there isn’t. There was a book written by Bernard Goldberg called “Bias” where a CBS insider exposes how the media distorts the news. This books lectures about how news networks need to get a reality check since there is bias fed to the media. This happens when there are a large group of people who think alike that use group thinking. These groups usually get filtered news that are not all so true. The news is supposed to be where people get facts about what activities or events going on in the world. Although stories can be changed when too many like minded people make the decisions on what an audience or reader views.
It being the leading source of news since the printing press. We put our faith in the media to report accurate facts unbiasedly. Between 1983 and now the media industry has consolidated from 50 individual companies to 6. That means that though the impression given is that there are a multitude of sources to attain information, the messages being communicated are all one in the same. The limitation of media sources cause a ripple effect of limited information, allowing these companies to control the public’s perception on
Media is everywhere. Television, newspaper, cell phones, movies, as well as numerous other sources. Today, just about everyone depends on information and communication to keep their lives moving through daily activities. We need to be aware that the values we hold, the beliefs we harbor and the decisions we make are based on our assumptions, our experiences, our education and what we know for a fact. Mass media is relied on for the current news and facts about what is important and what we should be aware of. Media is considered a trustworthy source for news, information, education and entertainment. Though someone has to have thought behind an issue to write it.
The first basis of this argument is the media chooses what they cover. According to the media outlets and the shows they produce go through a production meeting prior to these shows airing. During these production meetings anchors, producers, and writers all come together to see which issues they will cover for the day, as a result we are at the mercy of these production folks to see what they will present to us for the day. An example of this would be during President Obamas implementation of the Affordable Healthcare Act which came into play in late 2009. Upon rolling this act out the media was all over this as it did affect the healthcare industry slightly when it came to rates and expenses, however, with this act being implemented
Another incident took place by another famous talk show host named Jenny Jones. She was Oprah’s competition and she too had a talk show that not only became a libel case but it was also an invasion of privacy. On an episode of the show called “Same-Sex Secret Crushes” a gay man named Scott Amedure confessed his love to another male named Johnathan Schmitz on national television. While the show was airing, Schmitz’s reaction to the confession was a big joke. Approximately three days after the taping of the show, Johnathan Schmitz killed Scott Amedure. The family of Scott Amedure sued and Jenny
Media had had a long influence on society, and top to bottom take a gander at its most famous forms today would most certainly uncover a few glaring disparities in the way TV network and print media communicate the information to the public. Many media are slanted, and somehow they are inclined to cover events and support people similar to their beliefs or ideas. Television and newspaper dominated the average American household in terms of being used to access information, nonetheless new ways of obtaining news like online web, and films are steady growing day by day into major ways in which people learn about what is happening close city and in the word. For instance, deportation has been a hotly debated issue in the media, especially during
Media plays a huge role in today's society. Media, in its many forms, can be very persuasive and can change how people view a certain topic. The past few years, media has greatly affected how people feel about topics such as: gay rights, abortion, racism, and anything political. Depending on what site, or source you are on, media can depict the topic you research however it wants. It has been argued that there are political bias in media, which is not wrong. You can find just about anything in whichever political view you want. When talking politics, there are multiple media outlets that are party-based. Even in print, you can find just about anything in favor of what you believe if you look for it. Media does a fantastic job of manipulating people to believe certain things without the audience realizing it. The media provides constant information about politics, and in more times than not, political rather than professional. In this lesson, we learned about liberals and conservatives and how political parties can be affected through media bias and public opinion.
The media provides the public political issues, which sets the agenda for political discussion. In theory the media tries to attune themselves to the interest of the public, but “in most instances the media severs as conduits for agenda-setting efforts by competing groups and forces” (Ginsberg, Lowi & Weir, 1999, p. 298). To gain public support, groups and forces need media coverage to promote their ideas. However, the media has great control over which issues they televise. The issues must have media appeal or be considered newsworthy.
The media has been able to manipulate people by making them believe what they say. One example that satirizes the media is a movie called The Truman show. Throughout the Truman show, the main character, Truman Burbank, is trapped in a stage set which he perceives as the real world. As he has lived there for around 30 years he starts to get the perception of being in a false environment. The media plays a big role in our lives as Truman is exposed to the corrupt side of them.
Around 50 million people watch CBS, ABC, or NBC every single night in order to obtain information from the day. Since the amount of people watching a news channel every night is so great, the media has had a great effect on the lives of everyone living in the United States. In our state and local government regions, each and every news channel or newspaper is going to take a certain view and stand-point on what the people say, think, and believe. Media effects are classified as direct or indirect, and the Media itself as well as the people behind the headlines can create positive as well as negative publicity. The media also has ways of going about their business and they even have their own terms for what they do, and how it should be
Whether it is news channels on the television or whether it is Twitter and Facebook news, the public will always have a way to find out current reports. Since society has become so dependent on technology, a greater amount of individuals get their actual news online and especially through social media. As many of the public know, you cannot trust what people online are saying. Since individuals are so accustomed to getting the news online, many of them tend to believe what they just happen to scroll across on Twitter and Facebook or any other sort of social media. Finding actual facts and truths on the news have become so difficult now, due to all of the millions of different sites and places where we can get our news from. The news online tend to be biased and untrue due to how openly and freely individuals can create their own site and “reports” on current events such as a real news channels would. Social media has just made it more complicated to find the actual accuracy of current events but with enough research, dedication, and using the SMELL test, finding the right information would not be as
Have you ever had an original thought? Why do we dress the way we do, watch what we watch or even live the way we do. Through our means of entertainment, it is almost a guide in how one should live their life. With the technology we have in our world we are persuaded to believe what is right and what is wrong. Although we create our own world, our thoughts were imposed upon us since the day we are born. “What if the world is some kind of show. What if we are only talents assembled by the Great Talent Scout Up Above! The Great Show of Life! Starring Everybody! Suppose entertainment is the Purpose of Life,” says Gabler. We wake up in the morning where most of us have a daily routine we go through. Why do we put on