Imagine a world without disease sneaking up on the people who inhabit it and taking their life away. This may sound insane but it is in the realm of possibility thanks to stem cell research. Since the beginning of time people have been diagnosed with life altering diseases, like Parkinson’s disease, that have drastically changed their lives and the lives around them. Stem cells have the ability to differentiate, or change, into many different types of cells that can treat all different types of diseases (Farrell and Carson-Dewitt). Everyone should be informed about stem cell research because they have great potential. Stem cell research should be continued throughout the world because stem cells have the potential to treat many people with life altering diseases. One popular type of stem cell research is embryotic stem cell research. Embryotic stem cells are undifferentiated cells that show promise in the treatment of heart disease, cancer, spinal cord injuries, diabetes, and Parkinson’s disease. Undifferentiated cells are cells that have the potential to become any type of cell they want, but once grown with a certain type of cell they will differentiate, or mature into that specific type of cell (Farrell and Carson-Dewitt). Embryotic stem cells can be used to replace different tissues in the body after a serious accident. Experts say, “Stem cells are expected to be the most useful in treating multigenic diseases – those that arise from problems with various genes and are
Stem Cell research and its funding have caused a lot of controversy throughout the past years. Stem cells are cells that are present in all living organisms. These cells have the potential to grow into any type of cell, including blood cells, nerves, muscles, and pancreatic cells. Stem cell research is essential because of the beneficial aspects it has to offer. Stem cells could potentially treat conditions such as Alzheimer 's, Parkinson 's, birth defects, strokes, Diabetes, cancer, and help in the reconstruction of severely damaged organs. Although stem cell research withholds great potential for many medical advances, a lot of controversy surrounds the sources and methods of obtaining stem cells and the possibility of improper usage of the knowledge acquired from research and experimentation. It is necessary for scientist to continue research as well as recognizing any ethical issues that may be present.
It has the ability to form any type of specific cell and thus has the greatest potential for treatments in the near future. A more recent development in stem cell research is the creation of induced pluripotent cells, which are adult cells that become undifferentiated through a series of treatments. Induced pluripotent stem cells have a number of benefits because the destruction of embryos is not necessary and there are no issues with immune response or rejection because the cells come from the patient. However, it will be a long time before this type of cell become widely used on humans because the method used is not completely understood and has negative side effects. In animal testing, “…the virus used to introduce the stem cell factors sometimes causes cancers” (“Stem cell basics”). Therefore, embryonic stem cells should be an important part of stem cell research. Even if induced pluripotent cells can replace embryonic cells in the future, the knowledge gained from current embryonic cell research would still be very applicable. Unfortunately, research is very time and resource intensive, which is where the debate of federal funding comes into play.
Embryonic stem cells have numerous and amazing uses. Stem cells are unspecialized cells with the ability to replicate and renew themselves. They have the ability to transform into many kinds of cell types within the human body. They divide and create a new cell, having the potential to infinitely replenish cells. There are two types of stem cells: embryonic and somatic. Embryonic stem cells are from a fetus and can become all cell types in the body. Somatic stem cells are from an adult and can become only certain things due to the origin of the cells. Scientifically
Millions of people die every year from diseases, accidents, and defects, one only needs to turn on the nightly news to hear of the devastating effects of cancer or of horrific accidents that have left people disfigured or paralyzed. Stem cell research is a part of biomedical science that has the potential to cure diseases and defects, create organs for patients needing transplants, regenerate axons in spinal cord injuries, and create new treatments, drugs, and immunizations. However, federal funding is limited and does not cover embryonic stem cell research to an extent that would make a difference in medicine. The United States should support embryonic stem cell research by increasing federal funding, opening new stem cell lines for
The embryonic stem cells can be used for various medical cure. It can help treat diseases including Parkinson's, stroke, heart disease and diabetes. The embryonic stem cells are cells that can easily be transformed into any cell. This can help treat many diseases but this may also increase the number of women selling their eggs and undergo dangerous procedure to do. We don’t agree with the use of the embryonic stem cells for research.
A mother has developed Alzheimer’s, preventing her from having a normal relationship with her family. A newly born baby girl has a spinal cord issue, making for many years of rehabilitation ahead her. A diabetic wife struggles to take care of her household duties because of constantly having to monitor her blood sugar and deal with insulin shots. With the development of stem cell research, and the more controversial embryonic stem cell research, every one of these instances could not only be cured, but prevented, within the next half century. In fact, diseases that are predicted to be treated by means of stem cell research are figured to now plague the likes of 100 million Americans. Looking at the arguments dealing with stem cell
Imagine living in a world without cancer, Parkinson 's, or even diabetes. While everyone may wish this is true, people are against a way that researchers can make this possible, which would be by the use of stem cells. There is major controversy on whether or not stem cell research should be allowed, especially when it comes to embryonic stem cell research. Although many consider it to be killing a potential life form, embryonic stem cell research may eventually be acceptable to use because there is consent and a lengthy process to make sure the donor understands what their embryonic stem cells will be used for. That may be viewed as a much better
In addition to research, these types of stem cells are used to restore and repair damaged tissue in all kinds of diseases. Embryonic stem cells are so useful because they have pluripotency, which means that they can differentiate into any human cell type. The cell types that they are commonly induced in are brain, heart, liver and insulin pumping beta cells that are similar to the pancreas. Since these embryonic stem cells can be differentiated into so many types of cells, they are able to treat diseases like: Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, diabetes and many more.
Embryonic stem cell research could provide many medical advanced. Studying the stem cells could help prevent diseases such as Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer's, and heart disease.
In addition to research, these types of stem cells are used to restore and repair damaged tissue in all kinds of diseases. Embryonic stem cells are so useful because they have pluripotency, which means that they can differentiate into any human cell type. The cell types that they are commonly induced in are neural, heart, liver and insulin pumping beta cells that are similar to the pancreas. Since these embryonic stem cells can be differentiated into so many types of cells, they are able to treat diseases like: Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, diabetes and many more.
When one thinks of fatal diseases, what comes to mind? Cancer? Organ failure? Brain damage? All of those things and more could be a thing of the past with the incredible potential of stem cell research. Stem cells are like blank cells that can take the form of other kinds of cells. This gives them the ability to heal damaged areas, or grow replacement tissue for tissue that has been diseased. Stem cells can come from several different places, some of which cause lots of controversy and ethical debate. Because of this, stem cell research is not federally funded by the United States government. But, stem cell research has tons of potential and should get more attention for the greater good of our future.
Parkinson’s disease, Lou Gehrig’s disease, Sickle Cell Anemia, Alzheimer’s. This world is plague by countless diseases and there existed a time where, after many failed research attempts, scientists began to believe that people would always suffer from these diseases. However, with the introduction of stem cell research those past notions were dismissed. Upon their introduction, stem cell’s provided a new hope to the world and it proved itself to be an invaluable asset. Through stem cell research, a multitude of cures have been brought upon the world and these diseases that were uncontrollable in the past, can now be regulated and the ones suffering from now have a chance at living a better life. Sadly, there are many people who
Usually most people don’t think about things such as stem cells or embryos being used in scientific research; however, embryonic stem cells have showed they are useful because they have the ability to create any cell type in the human body. In contrast to the embryonic stem cells adult stem cells are more specialized; which makes embryonic cells more useful for a wider range of research. Stem cells are also able to be genetically modified to target specific genes that have diseases: such as, diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, heart injuries and even conditions like autism are just a few examples. Although stem cells are already seen as a great scientific advancement, with genetically modified cells a new treatment for cancer may have been discovered.
A world free of agonizing disease and debilitating disabilities is what stem cell research promises.Although, a relatively new method, stem cell research yields endless possibilities for scientific advancement. These advancement in turn have the potential revolutionize the way future diseases are treated, even eliminating the diseases for good. Despite all the upsides, stem cell research has some controversial downsides that come with it. Stem-cell research has endless possibilities in terms of curing diseases, however it also raises an ethical issue in terms of acquiring the
Stem cell related diseases affect over 100 million americans (White). Right now, there are plenty of government funds for stem cell research, and if we continue on the same path as we are now, stem cell research should be successful; however, the ethics used for embryonic stem cell research are incomprehensibly horrific (Stem cell policy). If this continues to be funded, it could have answers to numerous major diseases, including why they are caused, prevention, and cures for the diseases. More scientific research, however, needs to go into more possible solutions, to find a more humane method of treating these diseases that pleases both sides of the stem cell research debate, for the solutions, now, are not very strong. Because stem