The northern and southern parts of the Unites States of America were politically, economically and culturally very different from one another. The people of the northern and southern colonies came to the new world for very different reasons and as time went on their differences grew. The differences between them originally divided their opinions on the civil war and who the people gave loyalty. THE PEOPLE IN THE SOUTH’S OPINION ON THE WAR .
The question to ask one’s self is how a country suddenly can be divided into two parts? What triggered the people to create a separate nation? That is exactly what happened in the mid1800s in the United States. Most people in the south
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Throughout this research I have noticed that the most frequently talked about the subject concerning the civil war is mostly about the slaves, fighters in the war, and leaders of each opposition party and the military issues of the war. The group of people who have actually been excluded is the male citizens who refused to fight in the war in the southern states. The male citizens who refused in the war were mostly disabled ones. This was because the southern states had no military and they had to recruit soldiers immediately which included almost all the working and not disabled male citizens (slaves did not count). The women were not really included in the actual civil war but they fought the war in their own way which was fortunately recognized after the war. It was the first time in American history that women played a significant role in a war effort. Whether they were appreciated or not appreciated their opinions on the war still counted ROSE O’NEAL GREENHOW.
Her real name was Maria Rosetta O’Neal. When women are mentioned on the topic of civil war her name is always brought up. She served the confederate government by acting as a spy. She did it selflessly that even when she was put in prison she still sent secret messages. Among her accomplishments was the secret message she sent to General Pierre G. T Beauregard which ultimately caused him to win
Between the Northern and Southern sections of the United States there was a lot of differences and they developed along different lines. The South stayed predominantly agrarian in their economy while the North became more industrialized as time went on. Different social cultures and political beliefs began to develop. It eventually led to disagreements on issues like taxes, tariffs and internal improvements as well as states’ rights versus federal rights.
Do you ever wonder why the North and South separated?The North and the South had many differences. They had many arguments about what they wanted. The Government tried to come up with compromises that suited both the North and the South. The South wanted to be a slave state while the North wanted to be a free state so they could not agree. The North and South had no choice but to break apart.
Throughout the early and mid 1800’s. The United States split into two parts: The North and South. Each side had different viewpoints on how the nation was being affected by different problems. Compromises were made in order to keep our nation together and not separate from each other, due to disagreements between the North and South there was an intense growth in slavery and sectionalism.
The Southern states thought that seceding from the North was the only solution to their problems. Lincoln said, “I believe this government cannot endure, permanently, half slave and half free,” and he was right about that. The north wanting to get rid of slaves and the south wanting to keep them caused many problems between the two. Their disagreement on slaves made their lives living together very
It included political, social and economical developments. The South was trying to preserve slavery and an agricultural way of life, while the North was dedicated to a more modern way of life and to ending slavery. This caused a division between the North and South because they could not agree on what decision to make. The South did not want to end slavery and the North did because they wanted to move forward, while the South did not like change. They liked how things were and this caused the differences they had between each other, but they also had similarities. They had different political views and views on slavery. They had similar, but different
The South however, relied on cotton and plantations for their income; therefore they choose to have slaves as a part of their lifestyle. With the differences between each lifestyle they began to have tension between the country. To find a compromise in the country, the government decided to split the states between the north and south; northern states being free slave states, and southern being pro slaves states. So if they were going to ever add a new state, one would be pro-slaves and another no slaves. Even with the compromise there was just so many differences to be put aside and the disputes began.
The North and South were very diverse, this led to problems with sectionalism. They started to separate economically, socially, and politically. The North had an industrious society v.s. the South which was agriculturally built on slaves(Doc3). The North was also Democratic while the South was mostly Republican, also, the North believed in a strong federal government, and South believe in states rights. These problems in sectionalism led to the Civil War.
In Conclusion, the women in the Civil War were really important because of what they did and why they did it. I hope I gave enough information to tell you why they were so important when the war had happened. Even some of them risked their lives for their side and country. Maybe not a lot of women died but they tried their hardest. It must have been hard for them to go and fight like that and it was sad because what if some of them had a loved one back home then they would’ve been really
The Northern states were very different from the Southern states, which caused a decent amount of conflict. The South was mostly built on the backs of slavery whereas in the Northern states, the majority of residents heavily opposed slavery, this lead to many problems. While in the North people were working on many new advances in life, the Southerners hadn't really changed much from 1800 to 1860. In the North, people were working on getting equal education rights for everyone where in the South people were still stuck on slavery( crash course #15).North and South states had very different views for everything in the topics of economics, politics and social ideas.
Economic differences such as the Homestead Act further divided the north and the south. Southerners wanted to obtain free land from the West which southern politicians approved. Some southerners thought farmers would relocate to the free land and enter a ‘free state’ territory meaning land but no slaves to work it. (These United States. Pg.279
Although they were different they needed each other. They each used one other for their industries. The south produced cotton and the north used that cotton for their clothes. They also helped each other when it came to mass production of food. The south had the food that the north needed. Their business is not the only thing they agreed on. The north and south both wanted equal representation in government. They each had 11 states and one representative from each
Differences between Southern and Northern Colonies The north and South colonies that make up the United States had many differences that led the start of the civil war. Differences in politics, culture, attitudes, and economies caused a division between the North and the South. There are a few differences that played a major role in creating the hostility between the two regions.
There were several issues that contributed to the split between the northern and southern states. Among these were the deep social, economic and political differences. The split could be traced as far back as the early 1800’s, just as the industrial revolution was beginning. It’s effects on the north and the south caused the economic split. As the north was becoming more industrialized; the south began to rely heavily on slave labor. This was one of the main reasons, as the southern view on slavery differed greatly from the North. These views were based on drastically different interpretations of the constitution.
Even though the North and the South origins were both from Europe, their customs and living habits were different. The North and the South began to notice these differences as they broke away from Britain in the Revolutionary War. The North and South emerged into two different regions, due to their various differences. These differences included the geography, the economy, the social and classification status, and transportation.
There has been much debate as to whether the Civil War could have been avoided or not. The Evansville Daily Journal argues that the Civil War was inevitable, but Alexander Stephens disagrees and proposes that the war could have been avoided. Stephen’s argument is superior to the Evansville Daily Journal one because it objectively talks about the recent changes in the United States, explains the different views between the North and South, and tries to convince people that a war is not necessary.