
Ownership In The Great Gatsby

Decent Essays

Defining the idea of “ownership” is the act, state, or right of possessing something. Drawing from different philosophers who have studied the human condition, they look at the principle of ownership in relation to one's sense of self. Aristotle claims that tangible ownership is fundamental to developing a person’s character. However, in Jean-Paul Sartre’s view, he claims that the “existence precedes the essence”. Sartre is saying how there is an equal balance between tangible and intangible items, but the existence is more important than nature since man can choose what they define himself to be. I believe that the idea of ownership relates to both intangible and tangible objects to find a sense of self. It is possible for an individual …show more content…

In the Great Gatsby, we are able to see how shallow and materialistic the upper class can be. They find a sense of self through the tangible items that they possess. Tom Buchanan is an example of where he defines himself through his wealth to express how he is better than everyone. He deliberately tries to show off all of his expensive belongings, so that he can make a statement on his standard of living. However, Tom sacrifices his own moral character by finding a sense of self through his fortune. He finds no guilt when he is expressing infidelity towards his wife Daisy, but when the idea of Daisy having an affair with Gatsby transpires he becomes outraged and demands a confrontation. Although Tom is a reckless narcissist, not all individuals that possess a fortune are shallow. Looking at contemporary society, Bill Gates is a prominent figure that has an immense wealth but does not define himself through it. He donates to countless charities that develop his moral character and is viewed by his actions and not by his wealth. He finds pride through his charitable actions and is an important example of proving how different views of ownership differ from each individual to find a sense of

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