
Parenting : The Interpersonal Relationship Between Parents And Children

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When it comes to raising a kid every parent wants to be the best parent. Many of them wonder if they are giving the right environment for the physical and behavioral growth of their kids. The reality is; most parents do not remain the best parents or at least good parents.
How do you know if you are good parents for your children? Is there any easy way to understand if your parenting styles are appropriate? A BIG question with very few answers.
There aren't any specific rules or guidelines for parenting. Parenting is, in fact, the interpersonal relationship between parents and children. This Relationship is very personal and what works between few parents and children may not be the same for certain parents and children. There are several aspects to consider when deciding how children should be raised and what approach parents need to adapt to grow children in the best way. However behavioral experts suggest few general aspects and approaches that are generally regarded as elements of good parenting and being good parents for children.
Expressing love and affection is the most important way to be good parents. Many parents say they love their children more than any parent does, however, their kids complain about less affectionate and less loved parents. Love and affection, when they are not expressed, are worthless.
Parents need to make their children feel that they love children. Saying to children or expressions like an embrace can accomplish that goal. Give them

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