
Paycheck And Times Of Katrina Gilbert

Decent Essays

The documentary, Paycheck to Paycheck: The Life and Times of Katrina Gilbert, follows the life of
Katrina Gilbert, a single-mother living in poverty, in Chattanooga, Tennessee. It records what life is like for most single mothers in the United States living paycheck to paycheck. Living paycheck to paycheck means that with each paycheck, the person does not get to save any of the money they have earned, in Katrina’s case, she uses the money to pay for the rent, bills, child care, gasoline, and food. Most people living paycheck to paycheck, don’t earn much but have large expenses. The factors of why Katrina Gilbert is in this situation include economic factors, health factors, and legal factors. Economic factors, such as her ex- husband losing his job and not being able to pay for child support for a couple of months, her wage not being enough, and getting her scholarship application denied. There were also health and health care factors that influenced her life such as having Graves’ Disease and other health issues, but not having health insurance to be able to cover the costs and at one point, her panic attacks affected her ability to work. The legal factors that shaped Katrina’s situation included her boyfriend Chris needing to pay child support for his children, causing Katrina to shoulder most of the costs for their shared house. Katrina’s personal choices affect her life to some extent, however, her behavior is something that did not affect her economic situation.

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