
Personal Statement : Leadership Philosophy Essay

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Ref: (a) Leadership Practices Inventory: LPI, Kouzes & Posner

1. My Leadership definition – Guiding and inspiring individuals and groups to efficiently complete a common goal while fostering an environment of mentorship, personal growth, team work, and empowerment while utilizing an individual’s strengths and addressing their weaknesses. Leadership is situational and has to be adapted to a certain point to play to those individual strengths and weaknesses to find the right balance to achieve the goal. Leadership is about understanding yourself, how you interact with others, and your ability to effect positive change.

2. I’ve had both good and bad leadership influences during my career. The first good influence was an Aviation Warrant, who on the very first day I met him, explained his expectations of me, our relationship, the fact that he was not the smartest individual in the room and that he would be counting on my knowledge and experience to help him with his decision making. He was a polite, easy going person that would show a stern side when needed. The second good influence was also an Aviation Warrant. He had a gruff and intimidating exterior until you got to know him. He was very knowledgeable and would share that knowledge. We worked very closely together and he would confide in me and would listen to my opinion and recommendations. He basically let me run the maintenance program with very little oversight. We built a mutual trust

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