
Pfa 100: Platelet Function Assay

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PFA -100® Platelet Function Assay
Jennifer Dorman
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PFA -100® Platelet Function Assay
The platelet function assay performed in McLendon Clinical Laboratories at UNC Hospitals utilizes the PFA -100® system manufactured by Siemens Healthcare, Inc. (1, 2)
The platelet function assay is a screening test for detecting platelet dysfunction during platelet plug formation in primary hemostasis. (3) This test has replaced the invasive and unreliable bleeding time method, which was used to monitor clot formation in patients before surgical procedures. (4) Patients can present with inherited platelet dysfunction, or most commonly, platelet …show more content…

(1, 5) The collagen and ADP cartridge (COL/ADP) has a reference range of 60-130 seconds. (1, 5) There are currently no critical values associated with either reagent cartridge. (3) McLendon labs states that the manufacturer obtained a clinical sensitivity at 94.9% and a specificity of 88.8% for this assay. (1) Abnormally long closure times will exceed the established reference ranges. (3)
If both the COL/EPI and COL/ADP tests give normal results, this suggests that the patient has normal platelet function. (4, 6) If the COL/EPI closure time is abnormal, but the Col/ADP is normal, this suggests acetylsalicylic acid use, such as aspirin. (1, 4, 6) If both the COL/EPI and COL/ADP closure times exceed the reference ranges, though non-specific, is suggestive of platelet dysfunction. (1, 6)
Von Willebrand Disease, Glanzmann’s Thrombasthenia and Bernard-Soulier Syndrome are three frequently referenced inherited forms of platelet dysfunction due to the inability of platelets to adhere or aggregate during primary hemostasis. (1, 7) These hereditary abnormalities would give prolonged closure times in both cartridges. (1, 6, 7) Frequently, platelet dysfunction is secondary due to another disease state, such as liver disease, kidney failure or myelodysplatic syndromes – which will also give abnormally prolonged closure times in both cartridges. (6, …show more content…

Siemens. PFA-100® System [Internet]. Malvem: Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc.; c2017 [cited 2017 Mar 24]. Available from:

3. McLendon Clinical Laboratories. (McLendon Clinical Laboratories, UNC Hospitals at Chapel Hill). [Platelet Function Screen (PFA-PLTS); Coagulation Clinical Rotation Handout]. 1p.

4. McKenzie SB, Williams JL. Clinical Laboratory Hematology. 3rd ed. Upper Saddle River: Pearson; 2015. p. 754-755.

5. Platelet Function Screen (PFA, PFA-100) [Internet]. Chapel Hill: McLendon Clinical Laboratories.; c2017 [cited 2017 Mar 24]. Available from: function-screen-pfa-pfa-100/

6. Platelet Function Testing: PFA-100 [Internet]; c 2013 [cited 2017 Mar 26]. Available from:

7. McKenzie SB, Williams JL. Clinical Laboratory Hematology. 3rd ed. Upper Saddle
River: Pearson; 2015. p. 680-684.

8. Cristobal C. Coag Rotation Paper [Internet]. Message to: Dorman J.
2017 Mar 23 [cited 2017 Mar 25]. [1

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