
Popular ERP vendors

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Many ERP providers exist. The most popular ERP vendors according to Lutovac & Manojlov (2012), Mehrjerdi (2010) and Olson, Chae, & Sheu (2013) are SAP and Oracle. Olson et al. (2013) also says that SAP and Oracle are seen as very large and very functional vendor products. However, Grandhi & Chugh (2012) adds that along with SAP and Oracle (and PeopleSoft) that Microsoft Dynamics, Epicor Software, Infor Global Solutions, Sage Group, Lawson Software, IFS and Open Bravo are the most popular ERP software vendors globally. Implementing the major proprietary ERP systems are however expensive thus Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) usually opt for using open source ERPs since SMEs typically have to address major difficulties due to the limited resources available for selecting and adopting a new software system (Aversano & Tortorella, 2013). According to Aversano & Tortorella (2013), Kiran (2013) and Mehrjerdi (2010) SAP and Oracle has the most market share; SAP having 24% and Oracle 18%. Thus, this paper discuses SAP, Oracle and PeopleSoft since it has the most market share, and accompanying this, this paper also generally discusses Open Source ERPs. SAP The world’s largest inter-enterprise software organisation is SAP (Hidding, Williams, & Sviokla, 2011; Mehrjerdi, 2010). According to Hidding et al. (2011), SAP has maintained their lead in the market since they commenced business in 1979. Generally, there are two organised ways of implementing SAP: SAP procedure model, this is

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