
Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis

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The case presents us with extreme ethical issues pertaining to the human life. Do we use PGD and support embryonic killing or do we discard PGD and allow the birth of a child that is certain to be burdened with medical crises throughout the course of their life? It is tempting to say “Thou shalt not kill” but then again after considering the benefits of PGD, one might not take such moral stance anymore. PGD decreases the chances of giving birth to a genetic diseased offspring. Without it, there is likely to be serious hardship inflicted not only on the parents of the child but also the society and the child as well. It drastically reduces the chances of a complicated pregnancy and other medical issues such as miscarriages. It helps a great deal in saving lives that depend on stem or bone marrow transplant. PGD also appeals to the emotional minds of parents who are carriers of this genetic disorder by consoling their fears of bringing an abnormal embryo to the world. As a deontologist, Kant proposes certain principles that must be taken into consideration when determining what is ethical and unethical alongside what is morally wrong and right. The decision making of right and wrong are grounded by justice, benefice, no maleficence, human dignity, integrity, autonomy and vulnerability. He also believed in good will being as a result of the act of duty and not inclination. Finally his overall justification is based on the moral law “Act only on those maxims (or rules of

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