
Private Ownership And The Natural Right Of Property Ownership Essay

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Compare and contrast the account of the origins of private ownership Grotius gives in The Freedom of the Sea (1609) with the one he gives in The Laws of War and Peace (1625). To what extent does Grotius argue for the natural right of property ownership?"


ECON32002 Property and Justice: From Grotius to Rawls
John Salter
30 March, 2015
This paper aims to discuss private ownership and account for the origins of private ownership as well as comparing and contrasting these accounts through the ideas of Grotius in his two publications; The Freedom of the Sea (1609) and The Laws of War and Peace (1625). In addition, the paper aims to discuss the extent to which Grotius argues for The Natural Right of Property Ownership.

Through studying these works of Grotius in the manner outlined above, it will become clear that the overall idea is that the common ideology that private ownership means that owners can do whatever they wish with what they own is incorrect. Both private and common ownership are established on the right to alienate a thing regardless of the number of people that have possession of the thing. In the case of common ownership social and legal norms can make the ownership of a thing subject to group ownership. In the case of private ownership these social and legal norms are not applied although things are owned. Regional social circumstances determine which type of ownership provides the highest benefit to the owners where as

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