
Problems in the Construction Industry

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Current Problems and Issues Faced in The Construction Industry

It is quite obvious that the Construction industry is one of the most important industries in the world. Because of construction, we all live in homes, apartments, condominiums, and other living places that were created by construction. Most jobs are in buildings, which were also created by construction. Basically, the entire structural part of society was created by hard working construction workers.
To give you a general idea of why the Construction industry is so important as a market, the annual construction spending internationally is estimated to be $2.3 trillion of which $1.2 trillion was spent in the US alone in 2006 and 2007. The construction industry does not …show more content…

In an interview, I asked Guy Artigues, a local landscaping/construction company owner, what he has experienced with illegal immigrant workers, to which he replied, “Well, there are a lot of unhonest men out there who would do anything just to make a few extra bucks, I do a background check on everyone of our workers which takes care of that for the most part” (Artigues, Personal Interview). He went on to tell me that he was blessed to be in the position he was in because at one point his main competition was taken down by the government by condoning illegal immigrant laborers.
Global Climate Change
According to a Global Warming survey conducted in 2006, 35 percent of Americans believe that global warming is the most important environmental issue we face. That is a 24 percent rise since 2003 when only 11 percent agreed. In just the United States alone, buildings, including homes, office buildings etc., make up 39 percent of total energy use in our country. Those same buildings use 68 percent of our nation’s electricity consumption. As if that is not enough, those same buildings release 38 percent of the total carbon dioxide emissions, which is the believed to be the main cause of global warming. So because of our development as a human race, we are coming close to exceeding the limits of our beloved planet and because of that, many believe, we are destroying ourselves by creating more pollution. The irony is that with the pollution comes

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