Pseudoscience of chiropractic
Chiropractic is an invalid and harmful therapy, which is created on the basis of pseudoscientific ideas. Chiropractors use manual therapy, especially manipulation of the spine, other joints, and soft tissues to treat diseases and proclaim a cure-all and vaccination opposition. Only one of therapy (chiropractic) was used in the medicine and would not allow any vaccine inoculation to be made available to people, which is chiropractic theory. Chiropractic followers set up own theory, method and system and peddle this treatment. As modern humans we enjoy a wide range of medical treatment, and they provide a healthier life. However, advances in modern medicine as with the further research traditional medicines like chiropractic it met with incredulity. For decades the chiropractic has denied modern medicine to treat patients. Although chiropractic followers profess that it can cure all diseases by removal of the subluxation and replace vaccinations, more and more evidences support that chiropractic is an unscientific and dangerous therapy. What people must understand is that tradition and history are no excuse for therapeutic effect but should be more focused on scientific method that is widely proved to be effective and safe in the medicine.
Chiropractic origins in the folk medicine of bone setting, which is founded in the 1890s by D.D. Palmer (American Chiropractic Association, 2016). In the early 20th century, his son B.J. Palmer expands and
Chiropractic is and always will be incredibly significant to me and my family. Regular adjustments from my father, who is a Palmer alumni, aided me to stay in exceptional shape and helped me to remain healthy. Ever since I was a young child, the primary health care that my family used was chiropractic. Growing up I suffered from headaches, earaches, and other annoying problems that affected my childhood. However, after receiving chiropractic adjustments, the pain subsided rapidly and prompted me to appreciate life to a greater extent as I became older. My family is a strong believer in the power of chiropractic and the ability it has to aid in improving one’s health and preventing various health related problems.
The mission of chiropractors is to enhance the lives of this and future generations through the power of the chiropractic adjustment and wellness lifestyle. Many athletes go to the chiropractor to get their health to full potential again. Although, most clients go to the doctor and get hundreds of dollars worth of x-rays and medicine, if they went to the chiropractor then their injury could easily be fixed with quicker treatments and less money spent. Going to the chiropractor is a better option to heal client’s spinal issues than going to the doctor.
In the past century, chiropractors were shunned and undermined as unethical medical doctors with the sole belief that it was unethical to associate with any of these kind of practitioners. The article which I have thoroughly analysed was retrieved on the American Medical Association website. It outlines the history and events of the struggle of the chiropractors back in the early 1800s up until the late 1900’s. The article also explains how Chester Wilk along with four other chiropractors sued the AMA due to violations of section 1 and 2 of the Sherman Antitrust Act. Through these significant events, the future of chiropractic has been created into what it is as of today.
My experience in the chiropractic office of Dr. Ronald Wheeler further validates my desire to be a chiropractor. I have always enjoyed helping others and as a chiropractic patient I became interested in this field after multiple successful chiropractic visits. Dr. Wheeler, a long time chiropractor in Anniston, Alabama is the doctor who encouraged my passion even further for this career field. The dedication he displays to his patients is compared only to his love for chiropractic care. I believe that I can become highly skilled in chiropractic services, and I hope that in the majority of cases, I will be able to solve the problem of pain for people naturally. I want be efficient, professional, and establish trust between myself and my patients. Instead of prescribing drugs for pain, or sending a patient off for surgery, I want to offer solutions that will be permanent and sustainable without drugs or even surgery.
Chiropractic therapy involves a chiropractor who manipulates your limbs other body parts focusing on joints (many in the spinal column (vertebrates in the back and neck)) the typical chiropractic therapy is known for causing the cracking sound and treats disorders
The experience taught vital lessons that seem not to be the focus in today’s society anymore. Although a business has to have money in order to be successful, money is not everything. The health of patients and their well-being must always be the key reason to strive diligently in the chiropractic field. When you start working just to pay the bills you start to lose integrity and the respect of the patients. They may start to feel that your interest is somewhere else. Patients who can see that they are being taken care of and are receiving great attention are the same patients who come back on a regular basis. This builds strong relationships which can help keep the business running
“Get knowledge of the spine, for this is the requisite for many diseases.” –Hippocrates, 460-377 BC. If a Greek physician could make this statement over 2300 years ago, why is it such an under-exposed theory today? As stated in Chiropractic First, written by Dr. Rondberg, a chiropractor of 35 years and founder of the “Chiropractic Journal,” Hippocrates “believed that only nature could heal and it was the physician’s duty to remove any obstruction that would prevent the body from healing” (8-9). These “physicians” are called chiropractors today, and their goal is to remove subluxations, the displacement of two or more spinal disks that causes
Palmer believed that chiropractic healthcare was a way to heal the body without the aid of drugs, making it a safe alternative to traditional medicine. There has been a feud going on over the decades between medical doctors and chiropractors. Medical doctors would say that these unscientific practices were unethical and would refuse to associate themselves with chiropractors.
Chiropractic has been practiced for thousands of years but when it finally became an acknowledged profession, many people became interested in how and why it could benefit their health. It is said that chiropractic treatment can fix many types of spine-related injuries or pain. That includes leg, knee and ankle, back and neck, arms, wrist, shoulder and elbow, and different pre-diagnosed dysfunctions such as arthritis, chronic injuries, and joint discomfort ("BENEFITS OF CHIROPRACTIC CARE.). With 24 different vertebrae in the human spine, a chiropractor must focus in on the independent vertebrae that control specific nerves in the nervous system
I have been impacted both directly and indirectly by chiropractic and chiropractors in several aspects. Although I was not on the table myself until earlier this year, I could see relief and comfort in the faces of family members and friends after receiving adjustment. I approached my chiropractor with the goal to correct my posture. Throughout my visits with Dr. Natalie, my posture did improve, but my confidence and curiosity for the profession equally benefitted as well. Chiropractic became more than an adjustment every couple of weeks, it became my newest fascination. Through my university I was able to schedule shadowing experiences with several chiropractors in the area. This gave me the opportunity to get a feel for the profession as a whole as there is a lot that happens outside of the treatment room. The doctors I encountered were invaluable resources
In 1974, Australian federal government decided to appoint an expert committee of inquiry to fully evaluate four alternative health care systems. These were chiropractic, osteopathy, homeopathy and naturopathy. The investigation was conducted for two years from 1974 to 1976 under the chairmanship of Professor E. C. Webb. It was the first Australian Commonwealth Inquiry into chiropractic and this is also known as Webb’s report. The Committee focused on the scientific basis of the chiropractic, whether they have sufficient education standards and determine desirability of registration of chiropractic within Australian community.
A number of research studies have been conducted on chiropractic controversies between physicians, patients, and chiropractors themselves. Daniel David Palmer was the man who created the now controversial practice, chiropractic care. He believed any pain or disease could be removed just by ones hands. As chiropractic care became noticed, tension arose between chiropractors and physicians. Doctors believed that chiropractors weren’t liable sources of medicine since they couldn’t physically see the difference in patients (Kuusisto, 2013). Chiropractic clinics however, were growing rapidly due to the high demand made by chiropractic patients. As chiropractors began their practices, some were thrown in jail for not having a legal license.
I decided to share my findings to the group about chiropractic therapy and notified them that this may be a sound alternative to prescription narcotic medications to relieve neck, low back, and upper and lower joint pain. Majority of the data seems to support chiropractic therapy as a safe CAM treatment with multiple insurance company allowing their clients to pursue this type of treatment. However, some insurance providers require individuals to purchase a "rider" to receive chiropractic treatment coverage.
‘Chiropractic (Greek kheir, hand, and praktikos, practitioner) is defined as the science of treating human ailments by adjustment of the spine’ Bradbury, P. (1957). It is grounded in the principle that the
Chiropractic is one of the most respected and most prominent of alternative medicine practices. Although many people would only consider visiting a chiropractor for the alleviation of pain caused by musculoskeletal problems, chiropractic beliefs involve much more than just muscle manipulation. Just over a century ago, Daniel David Palmer claimed to have cured both deafness