
Psychological Disorders Essay

Decent Essays

There are times when people are plagued with thoughts, behaviors or emotions that will inhibit them from normal behavior. These are known as psychological disorders. These disorders come in many forms but all will have large effects on a person’s life.

One of the types of psychological disorders is anxiety disorders. These disorders are broken down into five categories: generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, phobia, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), and Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). All of these categories describe disorders in which a person displays extreme fear or nervousness. People will become afraid of objects, social situations, animals, reliving traumatic events, or many other things. People suffering from …show more content…

It is one extreme to the other leaving the person very unstable. Depression can give people a sense of hopelessness that can lead to them hurting themselves or others.
“A personality disorder is a long-standing, inflexible, maladaptive pattern of perceiving, thinking, or behaving.” (Gerrig, Zimbardo, 2008, 470). One type of personality disorder is borderline personality disorder when a person is very instable and frequently lashes out in anger. The person will be very impulsive and are prone to self-destructive behavior. Another is antisocial personality disorder in which a person is frequently displaying unlawful behavior such as stealing or causing fights.
When a person has complaints about physical illnesses that cannot be explained medically and these claims lead to interference in their lives it is known as a somatoform disorder. Hypochondriacs fall into this category of disorders. People may also actually experience loss of motor or sensory functions that cannot be explained any damage or problems with their bodies. A dissociative disorder is involved more in the disturbance of identity or memory. People will sometimes forget traumatic events in their lives or forget who they are. Other cases involve the development of multiple personalities where a person assumes the identity of more than one person which are unaware of the other identities. This type of dissociative disorder is often

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