
Psychology Unit Two Notes : Research Methods

Better Essays

Valentina Hernandez
AP Psychology P.1
August 21, 2016

AP Psychology Unit Two Notes – Research Methods

1. Although intuition plays a role on what we believe to be true, it can not always be trusted. Hindsight bias and overconfidence are part of this intuition that is unreliable. Hindsight bias is when someone believes that they knew the outcome of something all along only after learning the outcome. Overconfidence is when someone thinks they know more than they really do. An example of hindsight bias is when a person is told that a couple broke up and they claim they knew it was going to happen all along. They may have never even thought of that before but after hearing about it, it seemed it was totally possible and inevitable. …show more content…

3. Theories are a product of curiosity and the wanting of an explanation. When testing a theory, a hypothesis needs to be made that will predict the outcome of an event. Once it is made, it is time to put it to the test to either confirm or deny the theory. When research is done they leave specific details and instructions in case other scientists decide to test the same theory, these are called operational definitions. In the end, theories will be useful because they will help psychologists decide whether or not it is correct.

4. Psychologists observe and describe behavior through case studies, surveys, and naturalistic observations. Case studies show us what can happen by observing behaviors. Most of the time they offer reliable ideas of behaviors that have not been studied before. Surveys act as a good representation of people’s attitudes or reported behaviors of a whole population. However, when producing a survey one must be careful to use careful wording and to pick a random sample. Adjusting survey questions with loaded words may shift the response and not offer a reliable representation. It is important to survey with a random sample of people to refrain from unbiased responses. Naturalistic observations describe behaviors in an uncontrolled setting. This method does not tell the cause and effect.

5. Positive and negative correlations show how close two factors are related. A positive correlation shows that the

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