
Qi Plan Part 1 Essay

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QI Plan Part I
Nia Coerbell
HCS 588
January 27, 2015
Professor Horton

According to a recent survey, the quality of service of Davis Health Care needs improvement. Research suggests that patient safety measures like hourly rounding by nursing personnel positively impacts patient fall rates, call light usage and overall patient satisfaction (Olrich et al., 2012, p. 25). Patients are likely to recover and thrive in an environment where they know that they are being acknowledged, monitored and their concerns are being addressed. Health care facilities that have instituted hourly rounding, where nursing staff (e.g. registered nurses, licensed practical/vocational nurses and nurse aides) check in on the patients and inquire of the needs …show more content…

The improvement team needs to collect internal data (e.g. incidences of falls, call light usage and level of patient satisfaction in the unit) and compare it with external data that can be found in research on other healthcare facilities. Once we are able to see what other healthcare facilities have done successfully to prevent sentinel events, we are able to complete the second step by creating a link between the improvement goal and solution. The team should participate in multi-voting in order to narrow down the lists of improvement goals. Multi-voting incorporates unstructured and silent brainstorming in order to prioritize the improvement goal (Spath, 135). After the team decides to focus on hourly rounding, we need to get other nurses involved with reviewing quantitative research and critiquing studies. The team can then make critical appraisals on a worksheet. We need to develop a structured approach to teaching the importance of hourly rounding to fellow nursing staff, setting goals as to how much staff should know and achieve regarding hourly rounding as well as ways to evaluate effectiveness of hourly rounding after it has been implemented.
The cause and effect diagram is a structured form of brainstorming (Spath, 137). In this diagram, we develop a graphical representation of the outcomes of our service (e.g. patient level of satisfaction) and the factors that influence them (e.g. how quickly staff respond to the patients’ call bells).

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